

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1968, Side 67

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1968, Side 67
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 223 to fallout in 1954 and studied by Conard18 have developed nodules in their thyroid, although fortunately no cancers. One adult oí this group has shown a thyroid cancer. There is supporting experimental evidence that radiation to the thyroid is carcinogenic in sheep as well as other animals. Sheep experimentally exposed to concentrations of radioactive iodine xvell above tlie maximum permissihle levels for man first develop thyroid nodules19 of bcnign type, and later thyroid cancer very rarely appeared. Radiation has produced thyroid cancer in rodents. Forty years ago world attention was focussed on radium watch dial painters, particularly those of New Jersey.20 These girls pointed with their lips the brushes with which they painted dials witli luminous radium-containing paint. Thus they absorbed varying though minute amounts of radium, most of which was deposited in their liones and thus continued to irradiate the hone cells. A number of the dial painters developed radiation osteitis which in some instances progressed to osteogenic sarcoma (Fig. 8). Still another group of patients now heing studied Fig. 8. Osteogenic sarcoma due to radium poisoning in a dial painter. Note abnormal fibrocytes and deposition of osteoid X 375.
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