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Association for Medical Educafion in Europe
Cambridge. United Kingdom
20—23 September, 1982
Medical teachers have become increasingly concerned with the motivation of students to learn
in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education. Motivation affects learning; to a large
extent, it determines success or failure. Motivation is of particular importance in medicine in
which Iearning must last a professional lifetime.
The conference will explore the motivation of the medical student to learn, and related issues,
such as learning by doing, problem-based learning, self study or independent learning, self
assessment, and students’ characteristics and learning styles. The different phases of education
and training will be dealt with, including learning in the medical school, postgraduate training,
and continuing medical education. These topics will be introduced in plenary sessions and
explored in more depth in a series of workshops.
An exhibition of participants’ work on medical education will be on view throughout the
conference, together with a commercial exhibition.
Intending participants should contact the Conference Secretary, Professor R. M. Harden,
ASME, 150b Perth Rd., Dundee DDl 4EA, United Kingdom. Tel. 0382-26801