

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1988, Side 14

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1988, Side 14
230 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ kalda veðráttu. Það eru verðug rannsóknaverkefni að prófa þessar og aðrar tilgátur. Síðustu árin hafa umræður um forvarnir aukist, bæði innan heilbrigðisstétta og meðal almennings. Árangur forvarnaraðgerða sést ekki alltaf strax á breyttri líðan fólks eða lægri sjúkdómstíðni. Þó má ætla, að heppilegra sé að koma í veg fyrir mikil óþægindi, en að hjálpa þeim sem þegar hafa þolað sársauka og orðið fyrir vinnutapi. Ef þekkingu á líffræði og lífeðlisfræði mannslíkamans ásamt verkfræði- og tækniþekkingu er beitt til þess að ná góðri samhæfingu manns og starfa, verður síðar hægt að sjá jákvæðan árangur í auknum afköstum og betri líðan fólks. SUMMARY Prevalence of musuloskelectal symptoms in the Icelandic population. Survey of a random sample I. In order to survey the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the Icelandic population this study was carried out on a random sample of men and women of the ages 16 to 65 years. The aim was to gather a reference material for future use in comparison with results from different subgroups of the working population. The cohort comprised 855 subjects, 421 men and 434 women. Questionnaires developed by a working group supported by the Nordic Counci! of Ministers were used. The questionnaires were sent by mail and if not answered they were recalled thrice. The participation rate was 73.5%, 301 men and 326 women filled in the questionnaires. The age, sex and geographical distribution of the non-participants were similar as in the whole cohort. The highest prevalence of symptoms during the last 12 months among the men were reported from the neck, shoulders, low back and head. The percentages were 37.7, 42.5, 56.3 and 34.8 in the regions respectively. The highest prevalence of symptoms during the last 12 months among women were from the same regions as among men. The percentages were 62.9, 65.3, 64.8 and 59.1 in the regions respectively. The lowest prevalence of symptoms during the last 12 months among men were from fingers, 11.6% and among women from the elbow regions 12.6%. The prevalence of the symptoms in each region differed considerable between age groups. We are not aware of any other study performed with these questionnaires on a representative sample of a nation. The prevalence of symptoms in this sample are high in both sexes as compared to those found in variety of populations representing many different occupations and work tasks, which have been studied in Sweden. However, these Swedish subpopulations are most likely selected as a study material because of the awareness of some musculoskeletal trouble among them. HEIMILDIR 1. Andersson G, Biering-Sörensen F, Hermansen L, Jonsson B, Jörgensen K, Kilbom Á, Kuorinka I, Vinterberg H. Nordiska frágeformulár för kartlággning av yrkesrelaterade muskuloskeletala besvár. Nordisk Medicin 1984; 99: 54-5. 2. Kuorinka I, Jonsson B, Kilbom Á, Vinterberg H, Biering-Sörensen F, Anderson G, Jörgensen K. Standardised Nordic questionnaires for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms. Applied Ergonomics 1987; 18: 233-37. 3. Stálhammar HR, Leskinen TPJ, Kuorinka IAA, Gautreau MHJ, Troup JDG. Postural, epidemiological and biomechanical analysis of luggage handling in an aircraft luggage compartment. Applied Ergonomics 1986; 17: 177-83. 4. Björkstén MG, Jonsson B. Besvár frán rörelseorganen bland lákarsekreterare. Arbete och hálsa 1987; 34. 5. Brulin C, Jonsson B, Karlehagen S. Besvár i rörelseorganen bland bangárdspersonal. En deskriptiv epidemiologisk studie. Arbete och hálsa 1985; 37. 6. Anderson K, Karlhagen S, Jonson B. The importance of variations in questionnaire. administration. Applied Ergonomics 1987; 18: 229-32. 7. Ydreborg B. Referensdata till formuláren FHV 001 D, FHV 002 D, FHV 003 D, FHV 004 D och FHV 007 D. Stiftelsen för Yrkesmedicinsk och miljömedicinsk forskning och utveckling i Örebro. Rapport 6: 1986. 8. Ólafsson S. Umfang vinnunnar á íslandi. Rannsókn á atvinnuþátttöku og lengd vinnuvikunnar í nokkrum löndum. Félagsvísindastofnun, Háskóli íslands. Handrit, 1988.



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