

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1993, Blaðsíða 45

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1993, Blaðsíða 45
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1993; 79: 375-376 375 NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI GUÐMUNDUR GEIRSSON Þann 23. apríl 1993 varði Guðmundur Geirsson læknir doktorsritgerð við Háskólann í Gautaborg. Ritgerðin nefnist á frummálinu »The bladder cooling test. Pliysiology, guidelines and clinical use in urodynamics«. Fer ágrip hér á eftir. The complexity of the neuromuscular control of micturition makes the system rather vulnerable. Even a minor lesion or disturbance may result in an overactive bladder with a large variety of clinical presentations, depending on the site and extent of the central nervous affection. In 1957 Bors and Blinn noted that bladder instillation of small amounts of ice-cold water provoked involuntary detrusor contractions in patients with chronic upper motor neuron spinal lesion. They demonstrated that the cold water response was a reflex involving a spinal pathway. The neuronal mechanism underlying the bladder cooling reflex in cats has recently been identified. It originates from specific cold receptors in the bladder and urethral walls and the effect is mediated by unmyelinated C-afferents in the pelvic and pudendal nerves. The reflex pathway is primarily segmental, in contrast to that of the ordinary micturition reflex, which involves a pontine loop. The aims of the present study were to characterise the physiological mechanisms of the bladder cooling reflex in man and to study the practical use and the clinical significance of the bladder cooling test (BCT) in routine urodynamic investigations. This investigation comprises retrospective and prospective studies in 728 adults and 50 children. All of them were studied with cystometries and BCTs. Variations of the Key words: Urinary bladder, cooling test, bladder cooling reflex, ice-water test, urodynamics, neurogenic bladder, cold receptors, menthol, perception. standard BCT were also performed in order to characterise the bladder cooling reflex. The estimated threshold temperature of the bladder cooling reflex was 20-33°C, which is well above the temperatures required for cold stimulation of nociceptors. The strength of the human bladder reflex varied inversely with the bladder temperature. The effect of menthol, which has a selective potentiating action on cutaneous cold receptors, was studied prospectively in another group of patients. The substance had the same effect on the human bladder cooling reflex, i.e. a shift of the threshold temperature towards higher values. These results indicate that the human bladder cooling reflex originates from cold receptors within the bladder wall. The critical pressure response for a positive test was 25-30 cm H20. Neither the rate of infusion



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