Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.1982, Síða 50

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.06.1982, Síða 50
37 OPTIC NEURITIS, HLA-Bf AND THREE OTHER GENETIC MARKER SYSTEMS IN MS AND NON-MS PATIENTS A. Þorsteinsson, A. Arnason, 0. Jensson, G. Guð- mundsson 1), J. Benedikz 1), S. Bergmann 1) and G. Björnsson 2). The Blood Bank, Dept. of Neurology 1), University Hospital, and Dept. of Ophthalmology 2), St. Josephs- Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland. Genetic markers in Icelandic MS patients were reported in 1980 (1) and an epidemiological study of optic neuritis (ON) (2). Covering 1966-80 a retrospective study has been made of 38 patients with ON including 12 with- out any other neurological signs. These have been typed for HLA-Bf, Gc (group specific protein), MNSs blood groups and many other genetic marker systems. Marked differences in the frequencies of Bf alleles is found by comparing: 1) Definite MS patients and control population 2) Definite MS patients with and without ON 3) ON MS patients with ON NON-MS patients 4) ON-NON-MS patients with control. These results are compared with recently published results of the same kind (3). Further in- formation will be presented on genetic markers on chromosome 4, Gc and MNSs, and their frequencies in MS patients, patients with ON and control population. (1) Árnason A. et al.: Acta Neurol. Scand. 62, Supplementum 78, p. 39 (Abstract), 1980. (2) Bergmann S. and Viggósson G.: Abstract p. 41, see references above. (3) Fielder A.H.L., Batchelor J.R. et al.: Lancet, II, 1246-1248, 1981.


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