Iðnaðarmál - 01.01.1978, Side 6
Nýjar bækur Framíi.af bls. 32
Thermoplastics. Properties and design, eftir R. M. Ogorkie-
wicz. London 1974.
Painting and decorating. An information manual, eftir A. Ful-
cher. London 1976.
Flame resistant fabrics, eftir Alec Williams. N. Jer. 1974.
Perfumes, cosmetics and soaps. Modern Cosmetics Vol. 3,
eftir W. A. Poucher, London 1976.
Adhesives. Recent developments, eftir Herman S. Bernard.
N. Jer. 1976.
Creative candlemaking, eftir Thelma R. Newman. N. Y. 1972.
Industrial gas utilization. Engineering principles and practice,
eftir R. Pritchard. London 1977.
High vacuum technique. Theory, practice and properties of
materials, eftir J. Yarwood. London 1975.
Chemical engineering equipment buyers' guide, eftir Calvin S.
Cronan. N. Y. 1977-78.
Refractory materials, eftir G. B. Rothenberger. N. Jer. 1976.
Glasuren und ihre Farben, eftir Werner Lehnháuser. Dussel-
dorf 1977.
Glass technology. Recent developments, eftir G. B. Rothen-
berger. N. Jer. 1976.
Art of the modern potter, eftir Tony Birks. London 1976.
Emaljering alternativ ytbehandlingsmetod, útg. Sveriges
Mekanförbund. Stokkh. 1977.
High alumina cement concrete, eftir Adam Neville. London
Glass-Works. The copperfoil technique of stained glass, eftir
Jennie French. N. Y. 1974.
E/JM operating handbook of mineral processing. Vol. I. Con-
centrating, agglomerating, smelting, refining, extractive
metallurgy, eftir Richard Thomes. N. Y. 1977.
E/JM operating handbook of mineral surface, mining and
exploration. Vol. 2, eftir Richard Hoppe. N. Y. 1978.
Mineral facts and problems, 1975 edition/by the staff, Bureau
of Mines. Washington, 1976.
Mineral exploration, mining and processing patents, 1976, eftir
Oliver S. North. Arlington, Virg. 1977.
Industrial minerals directory 1977, eftir Brian Coope. London
Introduction to marine chemistry, eftir J. P. Riley og R. Chester.
London 1974.
Silicate science .Vol. 4. Hydrothermal silicate systems, eftir
Wilhelm Eitel. N. Y. 1966.
Málmar, verkstæði
Steel and its heat treatment, eftir Karl-Erik Thelning. London
Handbook of materials science. Volume II, Metals, composites
and refractory materials, eftir Charles T. Lynch. Cleveland,
Ohio 1975.
Metal cutting, eftir E. M. Trent. London 1977.
Modern metal working. Materials, tools and procedures, eftir
John R. Walker. South Holland, lllinois 1973.
Properties and selection of tool materials, eftir Victor A.
Kortesoja. Ohio, American Society for Metals, 1975.
The diecasting book, eftir Arthur Street. London 1977.
Foundry yearbook 1977, eftir C. McCombe. London 1977.
Automotive encyclopedia, fundamental principles, operation,
construction, service, repair, eftir William Tobolt og Larry
Johnson. South Holland, lllinois 1975.
Shilton's auto repair manual 1975. American cars from 1968
1975. Útg. Shilton Book Company. Radnor, Penn. 1975.
Motor imported car manual 1960 1973 models, eftir Louis
Forier og Joe Oldham, SAE. N. Y. 1976.
Motor auto repair manual 1976, eftir Louis C. Forier. N. Y.
Modern electrical equipment for automobiles, eftir Arthur W.
Judge. London 1975.
Motor vehicle workshop organization and administration, eftir
Bernhard Chandler. London 1975.
Electric vehicle development. London 1977.
Rafmagnsfræði og tölvur
Electric power systems, eftir B. M. Weedy. N. Y. 1977.
A. C. motor design with conventional and converter supplies,
eftir H. C. J. de Jong. Oxford, England, 1976.
The generation of elctricity by wind power, eftir E. W. Goldin.
London 1977.
Thyristor control of AC circuits, eftir William Shepherd. London
Antennenbuch, eftir Karl Rothammel. Stuttgart 1973.
Electronic and switching circuits, eftir S. M. Bozic, R. M. H.
Cheng og J. D. Parsons. London 1975.
Simplified computer programming - the easy RPG way, eftir
Kelton Carson. Sloug Berks, England, 1975
How a computer system works, eftir John A. Brown og Robert
S. Workman. N. Y. 1975.
Software Engineering, eftir R. H. Perrot. London 1977.
Stjórnun, rekstur fyrirtækja
Företagsekonomi - en översikt, eftir Albert Danielsson. Lund
The mind of the organization, eftir Ben Heirs og Gordon Pehr-
son. Geneve 1977.
Handbook of managerial tactics, eftir Richard H. Buskirk.
Geneva 1976.
Contrasts in management. A study of different types of man-
ager's jobs: their demands and choices, eftir Rosemary
Stewart. N. Y. 1976.
Enjoying a profitable business, eftir A. C. Hazel og A. S. Reid.
N. Y. 1976.
Skal virksomheden overleve. Liv eller död for virksomheden.
10 situationer med kommentarer, eftir Reinhard Lund og Bent
Ranning. Kbh. 1975.
The businessman’s guide to letterwriting and to the law on
letters, eftir Evon Mitchell. London 1974.
Webster’s secreterial handbook, eftir Anne Eckersley-Johnson.
Springfield, Mass. 1976.
Success in book-keeping for the small business, eftir Geoffrey
Whitehead. London 1974.
Innföring i kostnadsanalysen og dens produksjonsteoretiske
grunnlag, eftir Einar Matson. Oslo 1976.
Cost accounting. Accounting data for management's decisions,
eftir Nichlas Dopuch, Jacob G. Binrberg og Joel Demski. N. Y.
Critical path analysis. Problems and solutions, eftir K. G.
Lockyer. London 1976.
Quality control handbook, eftir J. M. Juran. N. Y. 1974.
Shopping centers. Planning, development and administration,
eftir Edgar Lion. London 1976.
Forecasting and time series analysis, eftir Douglas C. Mont-
gomery og Lynwood A. Johnson. N. Y. 1976.
Exporter’s financial and marketing handbook, eftir Claude M.
Jonnard. N. Jer. 1975.
Sales promotion handbook, eftir Tony Dakin. Epping, England
Nattverksplanlegging, eftir Reidar Hugsted. Oslo 1974.
Fitting the task to the man. An ergonomic approech, eftir E.
Grandjean. London 1975.
Man under stress, eftir A. T. Welford. London 1974.