
Jökull - 01.12.1980, Síða 34

Jökull - 01.12.1980, Síða 34
diagram, layer 2, in Fig. 8, consisting mainly of gravel and boulders mixed with sands as the finer part. The reason why a similar layer to layer 1 formed in 1972 was not formed in 1976 can be explained by the difference in air temperature. In Fig. 9 the air temperature at Fagurhólsmýri during both of the jökulhlaups is compared. In 1972 air temperature was near 0°C, fluctuating considerably above and below freezing point, but in 1976 the temperature was near to 8°C, varying but without falling at any time to near 0°C. Thus, anchor ice should have formed in considerable quantities in the jökulhlaup of 1972. This was impossible in 1976. The irregular quantitative spatial distribution of the sediment concentration in 1972, shown in Fig. 6, could also be explained as a consequence of anchor ice formation whereby suspended sediment of all grain sizes is stuck to the bottom and even in the bottom layers. This explains the great difference encountered in the distribution of both fine and coarse sediment. In the jökul- hlaup of 1976 the spatial distribution was far more uniform, divergences were found only in the coarse part of the sediment. Layers of fine sand and coarse silt in ancient alluvial sediments as well as clay fillings in coarse gravel may have been formed in a similar way. The drying-up of pools is also a plausible explanation of these occurrences but their frequency renders both explanations necessary. Most of the thick layers of this type can be assumed to have been formed by anchor icing, but layers of 1 cm thickness or so are more likely formed by drying up of pools. ACKN OWLEDGEMENT The authors thank Mr. Gudmundur Vigfússon, systems analyst at the National Energy Authority, for the computer calculations on which sediment rating curves are based. REFERENCES Björnsson, H. 1974: Explanation of jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn, Vatnajökull, Iceland. Jökull, 24: 1 — 26. Hjidström, F. 1935: Studies of the morphologi- cal activity of rivers as illustrated by the River Fyris. Meddelanden frán Uppsala Universitets Geografiska Institution, Ser. A. N:o 10: 121-527. Rist, S. 1955: Skeiðarárhlaup 1954. Jökull, 5: 30-36. — 1962: Þjórsárísar. Jökull, 12: 1 — 30. — 1973: Jökulhlaupaannáll 1971, 1972 og 1973. Jökull, 23: 55 — 60. — 1976: Grímsvatnahlaupið 1976. Tökull, 26: 80-90. Thorarinsson, S. 1974: Vötnin stríð. Saga Skeiðarárhlaupa og Grímsvatnagosa. Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóðs, Reykjavík, 254 pp. Tómasson, H. 1974: Grímsvatnahlaup 1972, Mechanism and sediment discharge. Jök- ull, 24: 27-39. Manuscript accepted lOth October 1980. ÁGRIP SAMANBURÐUR A AURBURÐI í SKEIÐARÁRHLAUPUM 1972 OG 1976 I grein þessari er stuttlega lýst sérkennum Skeiðarárhlaupa. Magn uppleystra efna í Skeiðará eykst frá um 50 — 90 mg/1 við venju- legar aðstæður í um 300—400 mg/1 i hlaup- um, og hlutfallið dökkt gler/ljóst gler í svifaur, sem hefur verið um 10—20 á milli hlaupa, margfaldaðist í þremur síðustu hlaupum, en það eru einu Skeiðárárhlaupin, sem við höfum haft sýni úr til bergflokkunar (2. mynd). Birt er yfirlit yfir mælingar á magni svifaurs í Skeiðarárhlaupum (Tafla 1). Fram til 1972 höfðu nær eingöngu verið tekin sýni við bakka í venjulegar flöskur án sýnataka (F-sýni). Vegna fyrirhugaðrar vega- og brúargerðar á Skeiðarársandi voru miklu fleiri og vandaðri svifaurssýni tekin úr Skeiðarárhlaupinu 1972 en úr fyrri hlaupum, og voru sýni þá tekin við bakka í sýnataka (S3-sýni) á nokkrum töku- stöðum. I hlaupinu 1976, eftir að Skeiðará hafði verið brúuð, var miklu betri aðstaða til sýnatöku en áður, þvi að þá var unnt að taka 32 JÖKULL 30. ÁR
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