Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Síða 26

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Síða 26
OSCAR ALDRED of pagan burials in Iceland, in Garðar Guðmundsson (ed) Current Issues in Nordic Archaeology. The Proceed- ings of the 21st Nordic Archaeologi- cal Conference, Akureyri, Iceland, 6th-9th September 2001. Reykjavík: Society of Icelandic Archaeologists, pp. 15-16. Adolf Friðriksson and Orri Vésteins- son 2003 Creating a past: a historio- graphy of the settlement of Iceland in J Barrett (ed) Contact, continuity and collapse - the Norse coloniza- tion of the North Atlantic, Studies in the early Middle Ages Volume 5, Belgium, pp. 139-162. Adolf Friðriksson, Orri Vésteinsson, Lucas, G, McGovern, T, Simpson, I, Przemyslaw Urbanczyck, Keller, C, Hildur Gestsdóttir, Mjöll Snæsdóttir, Aldred, O, Ragnar Edvardsson, Arni Einarsson, Garðar Guðmundsson, Milek, K, Birna Lárusdóttir, Elín Ósk Hreiðarsdóttir, Batey, C, Guðrún Alda Gísladóttir and Magnús Á Sig- urgeirsson 2005 Landnám og men- ningarlandslag. Fornleifarannsóknir í S-Þingeyjarsýslu 2002-2004. Forn- leifastofnun íslands FS293-02262. Reykjavík. Adolf Friðriksson, Roberts, H M, and Garðar Guðmundsson (eds) 2005 Þingstaðarannsóknir2004, Fornleifa- stofnun íslands FS275-02142. Reykja- vík. Aldred, O 2005 Landscape research in the north west: Vatnsfjörður penni- sula. Fornleifastofnun íslands FS298- 03094. Reykjavík. Aldred, O 2006 Réttir in the landscape. A study on the context of focal points, in J Arneborg and B Gronnow (eds.) Dynamics of Northern Societies. Proceedings of the SILA/NABO Con- ference on Arctic and North Atlan- tic Archaeology, Copenhagen, May 10th-14th, 2004. PNM (Publications from the National Museum) Studies in Archaeology and History, Vol. 10. Copenhagen, pp. 353-363. Andrews, J H 1975 A paper landscape: The Ordnance Survey in nineteenth- century Ireland. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Armit, I 1994 Archaeological field sur- vey of the Bhaltos (Valtos) penni- sula, Lewis. Proc SocAntiq Scot 124, 67-93. Árni Einarsson, Orri Vésteinsson, Odd- geir Hansson 2002 An extensive sys- tem of medieval earthworks in north east Iceland. Archaeologia Islandica 2, 61-17. Ashmore, W and Knapp, A B (eds) 1999 Archaeologies of landscape. Oxford: Blackwell. Banning, E B 2002 Archaeological sur- vey. Manuals in archaeological meth- od, theory and technique. New York: Kluwer. Barker, G 2005 Introduction. Archaeo- logical Review from Cambridge 20.1, 3-6. Bjarni Einarsson 1995 The settlement of Iceland, a critical approach: Grana- staðir and the ecological heritage. Reykjavík: íslenska bókmenntafélag. Brunn, D 1928 Fortidsminder og Nutid- shjem paa Island. Copenhagen. Brynjúlfur Jónsson 1885 Um Þjósárdal. Árbók hins íslenzka fornleifa félags 1884-1885, 38-60. Brynjúlfur Jónsson 1902 Rannsókn í Rangárþingi sumarið 1901. Árbók hins íslenzka fornleifa félags 1902, 1-32. Collingwood, W G and Jón Steffánsson 24
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