Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Side 44

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.2006, Side 44
Steffen Stummann Hansen and John Sheehan Early Ecdesiastical Sites Figure 9. Plan of the Beefan church site in Donegal, Ireland. After Lacy, 1983. nection is that the former are of circular or sub-circular plan, like the Irish sites, and that the difference may simply be a matter of scale. In fact, there are some early ecclesiastical enclosures in Ireland that are actually within the size-range of the North Atlantic sites, including the one associated with St. Columcille at Beefan, Glencolumcille, county Donegal (Lacy 1983, 244) (Fig. 9). The general difference in the sizes of the North Atlantic and Irish enclosed ecclesiastical sites is probably related to the different roles these sites 42


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