Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Síða 29

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2016, Síða 29
Berndsen – “Alter Ego” STRAUMUR TRACK OF THE ISSUE Listen at With the indie band Nóra on hiatus for the foreseeable future, singer/guitarist Egill Viðarsson has started a new band with his younger brother Bjarki, called Andí Svarthol. They released their first song this month, the cheekily titled “Íre- na Sírena,” a pop number with a dreamy atmosphere and texture and lyrics about regret. Both members sing, with Egill playing the keyboard and Bjarki the gui- tar. Live, the band is joined by drummer Óskar Kjartansson and multi-instru- mentalist Frank Cassata. The brothers have said that they have a bunch of ma- terial that they are very excited about, in many ways an offspring of Nóra, and will hopefully be putting out an album some- time next year! lf it’s anything like “Írena Sírena,” we are in for a treat. The band Suð (buzz) is a three-piece Icelandic indie rock band that made their name in the late 90s with power- ful performances and one album, ‘Hug- sunarvélin’, that came out in 1998. The band is finally back with a brand new single called “Á flótta” (“On the Run”) from their second album, titled ‘Meira suð’ (“More Buzz”) and due in Septem- ber. The band also released a video for the single, with black and white pho- tography and running children to per- fectly fit the chorus: “on the run with a family.” It’s honest indie rock in the vein of Hüsker Dü, Guided By Voices and Sebadoh, from a band that was at the top of their game at the turn of the mil- lennium. As we haven’t lost enough great mu- sical talents this year, with Bowie and Prince and all that, Alan Vega, the vi- sionary frontman of the electro-indus- trial proto-punk band Suicide left this earth on July 16. Many Icelandic musi- cians voiced their respect on social me- dia after his death, but Bob Justman, aka DJ KGB, went a step further and recorded a cover of the 1979 Suicide track “Dream Baby Dream” as a tribute. It’s a beautiful rendition with a thump- ing drum machine beat, echoing guitar chords and buzzing organs underscor- ing the heavenly reverbed and indeed dreamy vocals. Head over to Bob Just- man’s soundcloud to listen to the trib- ute. Rest in peace Alan Vega. On July 20th, Sin Fang, Sindri Már Sigfússon’s successful solo project, re- leased a new song and accompanying video. It’s the first new song from Sin Fang in about three years, and it sports none other than Jónsi from Sigur rós on the chorus. “Candyland” song is the sort of widescreen Technicolor indie pop we’ve come to expect from Sin Fang and the video, directed by Ingibjörg Birgis- dóttir, matches it in every way with its dreamy and surreal imagery. The song is the first single from the upcoming LP ‘Spaceland’, out on 16th September via Morr Music, and we for one are looking forward to it. SHARE & LISTEN: “Alter Ego” may have just been released at the beginning of the month, but you’d be excused for thinking it came right from the 80s. This should come as no surprise to those familiar with Bernd- sen, Reykjavík’s own bearded New Wave god for the new millennium. On the first single off his upcoming album of the same name, Berndsen leaves behind the more industrial-sounding influences like Kraftwerk in favour of a dream pop vibe. Well-crafted hooks float above bubbly synth lines on “Alter Ego,” while guest vocals from Elín Ey balance out Berndsen’s smooth baritone. Although “Alter Ego” makes a great summertime pop single, it would also be well-suited to keeping spirits up dur- ing the depths of an Icelandic winter. Words DAVÍÐ ROACH & ÓLI DÓRI Photo ALISA KALYANOVA Straumur, Iceland's premier indie music radio show, airs on X977, Mon. at 23:00. Daily music news in Icelandic at REYKJAVÍKURDÆ- TUR, Iceland’s feminist rap phenomenon, recently released their debut album ‘RVK DTR’ to praise from international stars. JAMIE XX compared them to THE CHEMI- CAL BROTHERS and MØ listed the band on her Nordic Playlist, saying, “Seriously, when I discovered Reykjavíkurdætur, I got so fucking happy! It reminded me soooo much of myself 4-5 years ago, but just MUCH cooler! I LOVE when women are so fucking badass and fun and free!” More from Nordic Playlist as pop star ZARA LARSSON picked “Bones” by YOUNG KARIN for her playlist. Perhaps the encouragement Young Karin needed to continue creating their brilliant stuff? We hope so. AXEL FLÓVENT recently released a new single, “You Ghost.” The accompanying music video features him strumming his guitar to a girl surrounded by beautiful Icelandic landscapes. Rumour has it that singer VALDIMAR and rapper KÖTT GRÁ PJÉ will be collaborating on the latter’s upcoming album. The much- anticipated album just became a bit more anticipated. BJÖRK has released a live concert edition of her most recent and most MUSIC NEWS Find today's events in Iceland! Download our free listings app - APPENING on the Apple and Android stores Four Songs That Washed Upon Our Shore


Reykjavík Grapevine

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