Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Blaðsíða 16
16.23. Notified HlV-infected individuals 1985-1991 ............................................................. 243
16.24. Registered cases of AIDS 1985-1990....................................................................... 244
16.25. Smoking habits among males and females 15-79 years of age 1987-1991 ..................................... 244
16.26. Smoking habits of males and females by age 1991 ......................................................... 245
16.27. New cases of cancer 1981-1990 ........................................................................... 246
16.28. New cases of cancerby sex and age 1986-1990.............................................................. 247
16.29. Day-care institutions for children and number of children enrolled in them, by age 1983-1990............. 248
16.30. Children enrolled in day-care institutions by type of institutions and age of children 1982-1990 ........ 249
16.31. Children enrolled in day-care institutions as percent of age groups at end of year 1981-1990 ............ 250
16.32. Staff in day-care institutions 1981-1990. Full-time equivalence.......................................... 250
16.33. Municipal social assistance expenditure by size of municipalities 1987-1990 ............................. 251
16.34. Families receiving social assistance from municipalities by type of family 1987-1990..................... 252
16.35. Age of receivers of social assistance from municipalities 1987-1990 ..................................... 253
16.36 Municipal home-help expenditures 1987-1990............................................................... 254
16.37 Households receiving home-help service from municipalities, by type of household 1987-1990............... 255
17.1. Supreme Court cases 1979-1991 ........................................................................... 256
Education and cultural activities
18.1. School attendance by school level and age. According to the Students* register in autumn 1980-1991 257
18.2. School attendance by sex, and line of study. Autumn 1980-1991......................................... 258
18.3. School attendance by line of study and age. Autumn 1980 and 1991 ..................................... 260
18.4. School attendance by school level and line of study, and domicile area of pupils.
Autumn 1980 and 1991 ............................................................................. 262
18.5. School attendance rate of age cohorts 15-29 years. Autumn 1980-1991. Per cent............................ 264
18.6. School attendance rate of age cohorts 15-29 years, by domicile area of pupils.
Autumn 1980 and 1991. Percent..................................................................... 264
18.7. Students passing matriculation examination 1975-1991 .................................................... 266
18.8 Book publication 1976-1991 .............................................................................. 267
18.9. Periodicals and newspapers published 1965, 1980 and 1989-1991 ........................................... 267
18.10. Books by subjects 1981-1991 ............................................................................. 268
18.11. Periodicals by subjects 1965, 1980 and 1989-1991......................................................... 269
18.12. Radio and television: Transmitters and licences 1985-1989................................................ 270
18.13. Programmes of the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service by category 1985-1989 ......................... 271
18.14. Professional theatres 1985-1990.......................................................................... 272
18.15. Cinemas in Reykjavík 1985-1991 .......................................................................... 273
18.16. Premiéres of full-length films by country of origin 1985-1991 ........................................... 273
18.17. Museums 1985-1989. Visitors and registered items......................................................... 274
19.1. Voters on the electoral roll, votes cast and participation in elections, by sex, 1874-1991 .............. 275
19.2. Results of general elections to the Althing 1971-1991.................................................... 276
19.3. Results of elections to the Althing, by constituencies 1971-1991 ........................................ 277
19.4. Results of presidential elections 1952, 1968, 1980 and 1988.............................................. 278
19.5. Results of elections to the city council in Reykjavík 1966-1990 ......................................... 279
The series Statistics of Iceland