Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Blaðsíða 235
Heilbrigðis- og félagsmál
Tafla 16.8.
Table 16.8.
Lífeyristryggingabætur almannatrygginga 1972-1991. Ársupphæðir '•
Social security pensions and allowances 1972-1991. Yearly amounts 11
Árlegar upphæðir í krónum Yearly amounts in ISK Elli-, örorku- og ekkju- lífeyrir2> Old age, disability, widow ’s basic pensions2> Hámark tekjutrygg. einstaklings 3) Income supplement, maximum per person 3) Heimilis- uppbót, óskert4> Household, suppl. for single pens- ioners, max. per person 4) Sérstök heimilisuppbót óskert5) Additional household suppl. single pens., max. per person 5> Bamalífeyrir Child pension Mæðra- og feðralaun Single parent’s allowance
1 barn One child 2 böm Two children 3 börn o.fl. Three children or more
1972 823 449 421 72 392 784
1973 991 541 507 87 472 944
1974 1.418 797 726 124 675 1.351
1975 1.805 1.380 924 158 859 1.719
1976 2.306 1.940 1.180 202 1.098 2.197
1977 3.291 2.888 1.684 289 1.567 3.134
1978 5.170 4.623 1.727 2.645 454 2.462 4.923
1979 7.320 6.723 2.512 3.746 642 3.485 6.971
1980 11.033 10.487 3.786 5.646 968 5.254 10.507
1981 16.387 17.158 6.021 8.383 1.436 7.806 15.603
1982 23.989 26.314 8.987 12.277 2.102 11.423 22.846
1983 34.939 42.012 14.069 17.877 4.682 18.733 37.467
1984 41.969 57.635 17.596 24.628 14.437 38.756 69.563
1985 58.213 84.171 25.316 35.644 22.340 58.530 103.817
1986 72.033 .105.550 32.828 44.105 27.648 72.429 128.463
1987 91.278 150.599 53.880 55.891 35.033 91.782 162.795
1988 110.398 198.743 67.565 46.469 67.610 42.376 111.020 196.903
1989 122.296 230.920 78.500 53.998 74.894 46.940 122.980 218.124
1990 133.500 255.913 86.994 59.837 81.765 51.236 134.252 238.115
1991 143.312 280.187 95.242 65.508 87.776 55.003 144.119 255.618
1} Taflan sýnir bætur lífeyristrygginga, aðrar en örorkustyrk, ekkju- og ekkilsbætur, fæðingarstyrk og fæðingardagpeninga svo og einstaklingsbundnar bætur
í lífeyri skv. almannatryggingalaga. The table shows social security pensions apartfrom disability allowance, widow 's/widower's benefits, mater-
nity benefits and individually based benefits.
2) Miðað er við lífeyri til einstaklings; hjónalífeyrir er 90% af tvöföldum einstaklingslífeyri. Basic pension to an individual. Couples reeeive 90% ofdoubled
basic pension.
3) Tekjutrygging tengist elli- og örorkulífeyri, ekki ekkjulífeyri. Tekjutryggingarauki á tekjutryggingu, heimilisuppbót og sérstaka heimilisuppbót er inni-
falinn í upphæðum þessara bótaflokka sem hér segir: 15% í september og desember 1989;15% í ágúst og 20% í desember 1990; 18% í júlí, 21% í ágúst,
15% í september og 20% í desember 1991. Income supplement on old age pension and disability pension but not widows'basicpension. Extra supplement
on income supplement, household supplement and additional household supplement is included in the amounts of these allowances as follows: 15% in
September and December 1989; 15% in August and 20% in December 1990; 18% in July, 21% in August, 15% in September and 20% in December 1991.
4) Heimilisuppbót fyrst greidd 1. júlí 1977. Household supplement was firstpaid as of 1 July 1977.
5) Sérstök heimilisuppbót fyrst greidd 1. september 1987. Additional household supplement was firstpaid as of 1 September 1987.
Heimild: Tryggingastofnun ríkisins (Félagsmál; Almannatryggingar/Félagsmál). Source: State Social Security Institute [Social Security Matters].