Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Blaðsíða 199
Tafla 14.3. Ráðstöfunaruppgjörogframleiðsluuppgjörþjóðhagsreikninga 1980-1991
Table 14.3. Expenditure on GDP and cost components ofGDP 1980-1991
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr.
1. Einkaneysla
2. Samneysla
3. Fjármunamyndun
4. Birgðabreytingar
5. Þjóðarútgjöld alls
6. Utflutningur alls
6.1. Vörur, fob
6.2. Þjónusta
7. Frádr.: Innflutningur alls
7.1. Vörur, fob
7.2. Þjónusta
8. Verg landsframleiðsla
9. Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum, nettó
10. Verg þjóðarframleiðsla
11. Viðskiptajöfnuður (11 .=6.-7.+9.)
11.1. Vöruskiptajöfnuður fob/fob
11.2. Þjónustujöfnuður
11.3. Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum nettó
12. Óbeinir skattar
13. Framleiðslustyrkir
14. Afskriftir af þjóðarauðsmati
15. Hreinar þjóðartekjur, tekjuvirði
(15.= 10.-12.+13.-14.)
16. Laun og tengd gjöld
17. Rekstrarafgangur
18. Bókfærðar afskriftir
19. Vergar innlendar þáttatekjur
20. Óbeinir skattar
21. Framleiðslustyrkir
22. Mismunur uppgjörsaðferða
23. Verg landsframleiðsla
24. Mismunur uppgjörsaðferða
sem % af landsframleiðslu
25. Einkaneysla sem % af launum
26. Laun sem % af vergum þáttatekjum
8.937 14.361 22.923
2.546 4.039 6.644
3.927 5.929 9.251
80 253 913
15.490 24.582 39.731
5.746 8.724 12.714
4.460 6.536 8.479
1.286 2.188 4.235
5.648 8.936 14.329
4.306 6.732 10.364
1.342 2.204 3.965
15.588 24.370 38.116
-411 -811 -1.495
15.177 23.559 36.621
-313 -1.023 -3.110
154 -196 -1.885
-56 -16 270
-411 -811 -1.495
3.520 5.778 9.202
490 762 1.392
1.810 2.871 4.742
10.337 15.672 24.069
7.729 12.001 18.775
1.727 2.687 3.395
1.886 2.914 5.146
11.342 17.602 27.317
3.520 5.778 9.202
490 762 1.392
1.216 1.752 2.990
15.588 24.370 38.116
7,8 7,2 7,8
115,6 119,7 122,1
68,1 68,2 68,7
39.432 53.930 74.689
11.559 14.056 20.136
14.127 18.356 24.460
-1.070 786 -978
64.048 87.128 118.307
27.078 34.295 49.534
18.623 23.557 33.750
8.455 10.738 15.784
25.275 33.871 48.663
18.156 23.889 33.760
7.119 9.982 . 14.903
65.851 87.552 119.178
-3.066 -4.554 -5.584
62.785 82.998 113.594
-1.263 -4.130 -4.713
467 -332 -10
1.336 756 881
-3.066 -4.554 -5.584
14.486 20.062 26.341
2.204 2.389 3.491
8.724 10.691 14.502
41.779 54.634 76.242
29.502 38.376 56.241
8.546 11.658 13.764
9.944 14.337 17.808
47.991 64.370 87.813
14.486 20.062 26.341
2.204 2.389 3.491
5.578 5.509 8.515
65.851 87.552 119.178
8,5 6,3 7,1
133,7 140,5 132,8
61,5 59,6 64,0
11 Bráðabirgðatölur. Preliminary data.
Heimild: Þjóðhagsstofnun. Source: National Economic Institute.
Þj óðhagsreikningar
1986 1987 1988
96.072 129.795 156.203
27.291 36.791 47.468
29.684 41.042 48.414
-2.094 -416 1.850
150.953 207.212 253.935
62.888 73.085 83.548
44.968 53.053 61.667
17.920 20.032 21.881
55.880 73.965 84.100
40.988 55.020 61.996
14.892 18.945 22.104
157.961 206.332 253.383
-6.229 -6.203 -8.333
151.732 200.129 245.050
779 -7.083 -8.885
3.980 -1.967 -329
3.028 1.087 -223
-6.229 -6.203 -8.333
33.964 46.314 58.875
4.228 4.783 7.808
18.425 22.030 27.067
103.571 136.568 166.916
74.353 110.013 135.969
20.052 23.187 27.709
22.251 26.719 30.952
116.656 159.918 194.630
33.964 46.314 58.875
4.228 4.783 7.808
11.569 4.883 7.686
157.961 206.332 253.383
7,3 2,4 3,0
129,2 118,0 114,9
63,7 68,8 69,9
1989 1990 1991‘>
184.534 213.218 238.500
56.369 65.271 73.829
56.051 66.896 72.700
-578 -1.787 1.233
296.376 343.598 386.262
108.335 126.003 126.718
80.072 92.452 91.560
28.263 33.551 35.158
99.240 119.146 130.474
72.603 87.652 94.665
26.637 31.494 35.809
305.471 350.455 382.506
-13.217 -14.611 -14.974
292.254 335.844 367.532
-4.122 -7.754 -18.730
7.469 4.800 -3.105
1.626 2.057 -651
-13.217 -14.611 -14.974
69.133 76.405 83.600
9.808 8.670 9.500
35.166 41.113 44.000
197.763 226.996 249.432
153.282 170.600 191.700
40.266 58.800 59.700
37.334 43.600 46.600
230.882 273.000 298.000
69.133 76.405 83.600
9.808 8.670 9.500
15.264 9.720 10.407
305.471 350.455 382.506
5,0 2,8 2,7
120,4 125,0 124,4
66,4 62,5 64,3
Million ISK at current prices
Expenditure on GDP
1. Private fmal consumption expenditure
2. Government final consumption
3. Gross fixed capital formation
4. Increase in stocks
5. National expenditure, total
6. Export ofgoods and services
6.1. Goods.fob
6.2. Services
7. Less: Import ofgoods and services
7.1. Goodsjob
7.2. Services
8. Gross domestic product
9. Netfactor income from the rest ofthe
10. Gross national product
11. Balance of goods and services
11.1. Balance of trade, fob/fob
11.2. Balance of services
11.3. Netfactor incomefrom the rest ofthe
12. Indirect taxes
13. Subsidies
14. Consumption offixed capital
15. Net national income, factor value
Cost components of GPD
16. Compensation of employees (wages)
17. Operating surplus
18. Consumption offixed capital
19. Gross domestic factor income
20. Indirect taxes
21. Subsidies
22. Statistical discrepancy
23. Gross domestic product
24. Statistical discrepancy as per cent
25. Private consumption as % ofwages
26. Wages as per cent of gross dom.
factor income