Landshagir - 01.11.1992, Blaðsíða 194
Tafla 14.2. Landsframleiðsla og þjóðarframleiðsla 1980-1991
Table 14.2. Gross domestic product and gross national product 1980-1991
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
Verðlag hvers árs, millj. kr.
Einkaneysla 8.937 14.361 22.923 39.432 53.930 74.689
Samneysla 2.546 4.039 6.644 11.559 14.056 20.136
Fjármunamyndun 3.927 5.929 9.251 14.127 18.356 24.460
Birgðabreytingar 80 253 913 -1.070 786 -978
Þjóðarútgjöld alls 15.490 24.582 39.731 64.048 87.128 118.307
Útflutningur alls2) 5.746 8.724 12.714 27.078 34.295 49.534
Vörur, fob. 4.460 6.536 8.479 18.623 23.557 33.750
Þjónusta 1.286 2.188 4.235 8.455 10.738 15.784
Frádr.: Innflutningur alls 2) 5.648 8.936 14.329 25.275 33.871 48.663
Vörur, fob. 4.306 6.732 10.364 18.156 23.889 33.760
Þjónusta 1.342 2.204 3.965 ' 7.119 9.982 14.903
Verg landsframleiðsla 15.588 24.370 38.116 65.851 87.552 119.178
Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum, nettó -411 -811 -1.495 -3.066 -4.554 -5.584
Verg þjóðarframleiðsla 15.177 23.559 36.621 62.785 82.998 113.594
Viðskiptajöfnuður3) -313 -1.023 -3.110 -1.263 -4.130 -4.713
Vöruskiptajöfnuður fob/fob 154 -196 -1.885 467 -332 -10
Þjónustujöfnuður -56 -16 270 1.336 756 881
Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum nettó -411 -811 -1.495 -3.066 -4.554 -5.584
Hlutföll af landsframleiðslu, %
Einkaneysla 57,3 58,9 60,1 59,9 61,6 62,7
Samneysla 16,3 16,6 17,4 17,6 16,1 16,9
Fjármunamyndun 25,2 24,3 24,3 21,5 21,0 20,5
Birgðabreytingar 0,5 1,0 2,4 -1,6 0,9 -0,8
Þjóðarútgjöld alls 99,4 100,9 104,2 97,3 99,5 99,3
Utflutningur alls 2) 36,9 35,8 33,4 41,1 39,2 41,6
Vörur, fob. 28,6 26,8 22,2 28,3 26,9 28,3
Þjónusta 8,2 9,0 11,1 12,8 12,3 13,2
Frádr.: Innflutningur alls 2) 36,2 36,7 37,6 38,4 38,7 40,8
Vörur, fob. 27,6 27,6 27,2 27,6 27,3 28,3
Þjónusta 8,6 9,0 10,4 10,8 11,4 12,5
Verg landsframleiðsla 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum, nettó -2,6 -3,3 -3,9 -4,7 -5,2 -4,7
Verg þjóðarframleiðsia 97,4 96,7 96,1 95,3 94,8 95,3
Viðskiptajöfnuður3) -2,0 -4,2 -8,2 -1,9 -4,7 -4,0
Verðlag ársins 1980
Einkaneysla 8.937 9.510 9.996 9.417 9.774 10.207
Samneysla 2.546 2.733 2.902 3.038 3.043 3.232
Fjármunamyndun 3.927 3.965 3.945 3.461 3.778 3.854
Birgðabreytingar 80 170 357 -207 122 -85
Þjóðarútgjöld alls 15.490 16.378 17.200 15.709 16.717 17.208
Utflutningur alls 2) 5.746 5.860 5.293 5.910 6.013 6.686
Vörur, fob. 4.460 4.448 3.686 4.181 4.264 4.745
Þjónusta 1.286 1.412 1.607 1.729 1.749 1.941
Frádr.: Innflutningur alls 2) 5.648 5.972 5.951 5.460 5.888 6.404
Vörur, fob. 4.306 4.550 4.420 3.943 4.215 4.569
Þjónusta 1.342 1.422 1.531 1.517 1.673 1.834
Verg landsframleiðsla 15.588 16.267 16.542 16.158 16.842 17.491
Þáttatekjur frá útlöndum, nettó -411 -426 -503 -616 -676 -755
Verg þjóðarframieiðsla 15.177 15.841 16.040 15.543 16.167 16.736
Viðskiptakjaraáhrif 0 -239 -263 -373 -450 -454
Vergar þjóðartekjur 15.177 15.603 15.776 15.170 15.716 16.282
Þj óðhagsreikningar
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991»
96.072 129.795 156.203 184.534 213.218 238.500 Million ISK at current prices Private final consumption expenditure
27.291 36.791 47.468 56.369 65.271 73.829 Government final consumption expenditure
29.684 41.042 48.414 56.051 66.896 72.700 Gross fixed capital formation
-2.094 -416 1.850 -578 -1.787 1.233 Increase in stocks
150.953 207.212 253.935 296.376 343.598 386.262 National expenditure, total
62.888 73.085 83.548 108.335 126.003 126.718 Export ofgoods and services21
44.968 53.053 61.667 80.072 92.452 91.560 Goods, fob
17.920 20.032 21.881 28.263 33.551 35.158 Services
55.880 73.965 84.100 99.240 119.146 130.474 Less: Import ofgoods and services21
40.988 55.020 61.996 72.603 87.652 94.665 Goods, fob
14.892 18.945 22.104 26.637 31.494 35.809 Services
157.961 206.332 253.383 305.471 350.455 382.506 Gross domestic product
-6.229 -6.203 -8.333 -13.217 -14.611 -14.974 Netfactor income from the rest ofthe world
151.732 200.129 245.050 292.254 335.844 367.532 Gross national product
779 -7.083 -8.885 -4.122 -7.754 -18.730 Balance ofgoods and services 3>
3.980 -1.967 -329 7.469 4.800 -3.105 Balance of trade, fob/fob
3.028 1.087 -223 1.626 2.057 -651 Balance ofservices
-6.229 -6.203 -8.333 -13.217 -14.611 -14.974 Netfactor income from the rest of the world
60,8 62,9 61,6 60,4 60,8 62,4 Per cent of gross domestic product Private final consumption expenditure
17,3 17,8 18,7 18,5 18,6 19,3 Government final consumption expenditure
18,8 19,9 19,1 18,3 19,1 19,0 Grossfixed capital formation
-1,3 -0,2 0,7 -0,2 -0,5 0,3 Increase in stocks
95,6 100,4 100,2 97,0 98,0 101,0 National expenditure, total
39,8 35,4 33,0 35,5 36,0 33,1 Export ofgoods and services 2)
28,5 25,7 24,3 26,2 26,4 23,9 Goods, fob
11,3 9,7 8,6 9,3 9,6 9,2 Services
35,4 35,8 33,2 32,5 34,0 34,1 Less: Import ofgoods and services 2)
25,9 26,7 24,5 23,8 25,0 24,7 Goods, fob
9,4 9,2 8,7 8,7 9,0 9,4 Services
100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 Gross domestic product
-3,9 -3,0 -3,3 -4,3 -4,2 -3,9 Netfactor income from the rest ofthe world
96,1 97,0 96,7 95,7 95,8 96,1 Gross national product
0,5 -3,4 -3,5 -1,3 -2,2 -4,9 Balance ofgoods and services3)
10.947 12.764 12.220 11.712 11.646 12.300 At constant prices of 1980, mill. ISK Private final consumption expenditure
3.455 3.665 3.818 3.910 4.072 4.259 Governmentfinal consumption expenditure
3.808 4.531 4.505 4.132 4.247 4.373 Gross fixed capital formation
-201 -75 130 -40 -96 63 Increase in stocks
18.009 20.885 20.673 19.714 19.869 20.995 National expenditure, total
7.110 7.445 7.218 7.400 7.372 6.936 Export ofgoods and services2)
5.227 5.454 5.389 5.578 5.500 5.067 Goods, fob
1.883 1.990 1.829 1.822 1.872 1.869 Services
6.494 7.990 7.620 6.843 6.889 7.291 Less: Import ofgoods and services21
4.921 6.153 5.817 5.184 5.199 5.454 Goods, fob
1.573 1.838 1.803 1.659 1.689 1.837 Services
18.624 20.340 20.271 20.272 20.353 20.639 Gross domestic product
-796 -796 -879 -917 -914 -917 Netfactor incomefrom the rest ofthe world
17.829 19.544 19.392 19.355 19.438 19.722 Gross national product
-174 273 157 -192 -308 -57 Effects ofchanges in terms of trade
17.655 19.817 19.549 19.163 19.131 19.666 Gross national income