Landshagir - 01.11.2013, Page 466
earnings 102–106, 108–113
e-commerce 212
economic activity 94–95, 105, 110–111, 113, 130–131,
education 364–395
educational attainment 89–90, 392–395
educational expenditure 456
education expenditure 364
elections 430–443
electricity 168–170
electricity use 169
emission 37–41
employed 86–90
employment 86–90, 92, 94–97, 100
energy 167–172
energy use 170
enrolment 379–381
enterprises 129–131, 133
environment 36–37, 42–43
exchange rate 309
expenditure 236–242
exports 264–277
external trade 264–277
factor income 251
family status 66
fatal accidents 356
fertility 75
field crops 141
films 406–408
final consumption expenditure 253
financial accounts 257–258
first stage of tertiary education 384–387
fish catch 152–155, 158–160
fishing 152–162
fishing boats 161
fishing gear 160
fishing vessels 161, 195
flatfish 152–157, 159–160
food expenditure 236–240
food products 177–179
foreign background 56
foreign trade 266–267, 270
freight transport 197–198
frozen at sea 152–153
fuel 168
GdP 248–251, 454
Geese 146
General elections 430–436
General government aggregates 282
General government finance 284
General government, financial assets 290
Geothermal energy 167–168
Gini index 124
Gliders 196
Gonorrhea 332
Government final consumption 248–249, 254
Government revenue 288
Graduation level 382–387
Grammar schools 368–369
Greenhouse gas 39
Gross domestic Product 248–251
Gross fixed capital formation 248–249, 255–256
Gross income 114
Guesthouses 187–190
Gulls 146
Health affairs 315–321, 327–342
Health affairs, expenditure 317–321
Health expenditure 456
Health insurance 355
Health personnel 327
Helicopters 196
Hens 141
Hiv infected 332
Home-help support 322
Horse meat 142
Horses 141
Hotels 187–190
Hours of work 98–99
Household consumption expenditure 240
Housing 180–181
Hunting 146
Hydro energy 167–168
icelandic citizenship 61
icelandic Stock exchange 306
ict 209–214
immigrants 56
imports 264–270, 277
income 114–120, 241–242
income components 251
income distribution 118–120
income quintile 124
income supplement 353
index, building cost 234
index, consumer price 221–231
industries, share of GdP 252
industry 134–136
infant mortality rate 448–453
inflation 454
insolvencies 131