Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Side 11

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Side 11
IN ICELAND — INSTITUTIONS 3n Scelanb. I. INSTITUTIONS. The Icelandic Literary Society (Hid islengka Bokmenni- afelag). Founded March 30, 1816, at the instance of the Danish philologist, Rasmus Christian Rask; it has for its object “by the publication of books and by other undertakings to preserve the Icelandic language and literature, and thereby the civili- zation and honour of the nation.” It has issued a great number of valuable works and serials — literary, historical, statistical and scientific — the whole forming a most important section of modern Icelandic letters. Under the presidency of that able scholar and statesman, Jon SigurSsson, it attained great pros- perity. A careful history of its origin and progress, with a complete list of its publications, was published on its fiftieth anniversary, “HiS islenzka Bokmenntafolag 1816—1866.” The society consists of two divisions, one having its seat in Reyk- javik, the other in Copenhagen. It has about 500 members, a permanent fund of 21,035 crowns, and a government appro- priation of 3,000 crowns annually, its total income for 1902 having been approximatively 7,980 crowns. The annual sub- scription is 6 crowns (two dollars, or eight shillings), for which all the current publications are received.— I. Reykjavik Divi- sion: President, the Rev. Eirikur Briem; Secretary, the Rev. Thorhallur Bjarnarson. 2. Copenhagen Division: President, Dlafur Halldorsson; Secretary, Professor FinnurJonsson. Addresses: 1. Reykjavik, Iceland; 2. Amalienborg, Copenhagen, Denmark. The Icelandic Patriotic Society (HiS islenzka PjoSvin- afelag■), founded June 8, 1870 with a political object, but has developed into a society for the publication of works of popular


Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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