Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Síða 30

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Síða 30
20 IN DENMARK but ancient foundation, established two hundred years since by the bishop of Holar in support (at Copenhagen University) of a student from the diocesan school. The scholarship is conferred for four years, the sum bestowed being about 100 crowns.— Trustee (.1903) Professor Dr. Vilhelm Thomsen. II. ADDRESSES Blondal, Sigfus, M. A.; assistant-librarian at the Royal Library; essayist, poet, bibliographer; Amagerbrogade 153, Copenhagen. Translator of poems from the classical and modern languages; author of “Alfred Tennyson” (1903) in the ‘‘Timarit hins l'slenzka Bokmenntafelags,” and of many poems and articles, published in Icelandic and Danish periodicals. Brynj6lfsson, Dr. Glsli; physician; Vesterbrogade 74, Copen- hagen. Author of “Um blodvatnslaekningar” in “Eimreidin” (1895). Einarsson, Sigfus; composer. Solvgade 2, Copenhagen. Author of “Islenzk songlog” (I. 1903). Finsen, Professor Dr. Niels R.; director of the Finsen Medical Light-Institute, Copenhagen; Rosenvaengets Hovedvej 371 Copenhagen. Founder of the Institute for the cure of diseases by the operations of light; born i860 in the Faeroes, son of Hannes Finsen (a native of Iceland); prepared for the University at the College of Iceland, Reykjavik. Gucimundsson, Dr. Valtyr; docent (Icelandic history and literature) at the University, Copenhagen; writer, politician; Amagerbrogade 151, Copenhagen. Author of “Privatboligen paa Island i Sagatiden” (1889), and of “Islands Kultur ved Aarhundredskiftet 1900” (1902); editor of “Eimreidin,” a literary and po- litical magazine. Halldorsson, Olafur; chief of Bureau, Icelandic ministry, Copenhagen; president of the Icelandic Literary Society, Copenhagen division; Kronprinsessegade 24, Copenhagen. Co-editor of “Lovsamling for Island,” XX.—XXI. vol. (r887—89); now editing the old Icelandic law-code, “Jonsbok.”
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Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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