Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Side 52

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Side 52
FOREIGN ICELANDIC SCHOLARS 11 Powell, Frederick York; Regius professor of history; Oriel College, Oxford, England. Author of the article “Iceland” in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1881); co-author (with Dr. Gudbrand Vigfusson) of “An Icelandic Prose Reader” (1879), anc* co" editor (with the same scholar) of the “Corpus poeticum boreale” (2 vols., 1883) etc. Press, Mrs. Muriel Annie Caroline; 14 Westbury Park, Bristol, England. Translator of “The Story of the Laxdalers” (1899). Primer, Sylvester; professor at the University of Texas; Austin, Texas, United States. Author of “On the Consonant declension in Oldnorse” in “American Journal of Philology” (1881). Prytz, Carl Vilhelm; professor at the Royal Veterinary High-school, Copenhagen, Denmark. Is now engaged upon a work on forestry in Iceland. Pudor, H einrich; writer; Winterfeldtstrasse 25, Berlin, Prussia. Author of “Neuislandische dramatische Litteratur” in the “Beilage zur Allge- meinen Zeitung” no. 25 (1902), of “Unterrichtswesen auf Island” in the “Central- blatt fur Volksbildungswesen” (1902), and of other articles on Icelandic subjects. Rabot, Charles; 9 rue Edouard Detaille, Paris, France. Author of several articles on the geography of Iceland. Ranisch, Dr. Wilhelm; gymnasial upper teacher; Moltke- strasse 6, Osnabriick, Prussia. Editor of “Volsunga-saga” (1891), of “Gautrekssaga” (1900); co-editor of “Eddica minora” (1903); author of “Zur Kritik und Metrik der Hamdismal (1888); translator of “Eddalieder mit Grammatik” (1903). Riemschneider, Dr. J.; ornithologist; Ringen, Livonia, Russia. Author of “Reise nach Island und 14 Tage am Myvatn (Juni and Juli 1895); ornithologische Skizze” in the “Ornithologische Monatsschrift” (1896, four articles), and of other papers in the same journal. Rittershaus, Mrs. Dr. Adeline; docent at the University, Zurich; Zollikofferstrasse 200, Zurich, Switzerland. Author of “Die neuislandischen Volksmarchen” (1902), of which a second part is in preparation, and of “Eine Fahrt nach Island” (“Kolnische Zeitung 1899, nos. 682, 691, 699). Rolfsen, Nordahl; writer; Neuberggaden i, Christiania, Norway. Editor of “Vore fsedres liv” (2d ed., 1898), translated by G. Gran.


Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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