Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses - 15.12.1903, Side 86

Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses  - 15.12.1903, Side 86
76 NOTES ON ICELANDIC MATTERS on the budget, during the sessions of the Althing just closed, the chairman of the committee on finance of the lower house contrasted the outlay of the country in the financial period 1902—1903 (two years) with that of 1882—1883. Twenty years ago the amount appropriated at a single session or term of the Althing was 800,000 crowns; the amount voted by the recent one was 1,668,000. As to the items, the largest one, the sum expended for the development of the country’s resources, principally agriculture and the fisheries, is twenty times larger now than then; that assigned to the post, to roads and to other means of communication in and around the island, is four times as great; that devoted to the maintenance of 42 ■ district physicians, and to hygienic purposes, is thrice as great, and to common schools nearly three times as large. Entirely new items are a small appropriation for the advancement of art, being scholarships for study abroad; and the very liberal one for the planting of forests, that is, to continue the experi- ments now making, both in the north and the south, on a large scale by foreign experts. Taking all grades and all classes of schools, the sums applied, in one shape or another, to education and to the advancement of science and letters (in- cluding libraries, collections, popular enlightenment and various subjects of research) form, as usual, nearly or quite one fourth of the budget. Iceland has no debt; on the other hand, she has, invested in valuable securities, a reserve fund of nearly 2,000,000 crowns, of which the interest is a part of her annual receipts, although the principal may be drawn upon in cases of emergency. — In addition to the National Bank (Landsbanki), established at Reykjavik in 1886, which, with every year, has increased both its domestic and foreign transactions, and its deposits, besides having built itself a handsome edifice in the capital, the Althing authorized a second important bank (Is' landsbanki), with a capital of 2,000,000 crowns, which may be increased to 3,000,000. It is to have the right to issue paper


Mímir. Icelandic institutions with adresses

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