Vinnumarkaður - 01.10.1994, Síða 11

Vinnumarkaður - 01.10.1994, Síða 11
9 Table 4.29 Persons in full-time employment by actual working hours, status in employment and education level 1991-1993 ....................................................................... 66 Table 4.30 Persons in part-time employment by actual working hours, status in employment and education level 1991-1993 ....................................................................... 67 Table 4.31 Employed persons by sex and difference between usual and actual working hours per week 1991-1993 ................................................................................. 68 Table 4.3 lb Employed persons by sex and reasons for no or fewer actual working hours per week than usual 1991-1993 ........................................................................... 69 Table 4.32 Employed persons by residence and difference between usual and actual working hours per week 1991-1993 ........................................................................ 70 Table 4.32b Employed persons by residence and reasons for no or fewer actual working hours per week than usual 1991-1993 ................................................................. 71 Table 4.33 Employed persons by education level and difference between usual and actual working hours per week 1991-1993 ........................................................................ 72 Table 4.33b Employed persons by education level and reasons for no or fewer actual working hours per week than usual 1991-1993 ............................................................. 73 Table 4.34 Average actual working hours per week by economic activity and full-time/part-time employment in first job and sex 1991-1993 ............................................. 74 Table 4.35 Average actual working hours per week by occupation and full-time/part-time employment in first job and sex 1991-1993 ............................................................ 75 Table 4.36 Average working hours per week in first and second jobs by status in employment in first job and sex 1991-1993 ......................................................................... 76 Table 4.37 Average working hours per week in first and second jobs by full-time/part-time employment in first job and sex 1991-1993 ........................................................ 76 Table 4.38 Average actual working hours per week in first and second jobs by full-time/part-time employment in first job and residence 1991-1993 ....................................... 77 Table 4.39 Average actual working hours per week in first and second jobs by full-time/part-time employment in first job and education level 1991-1993 ................................. 78 Table 4.40 Underemployment rate by age group, residence, education level and sex 1991-1993 ............ 79 Table 4.41 Employed persons by sex and search for another job 1991-1993 ............................... 80 Table 4.42 Unemployed persons by sex and length of job search 1991-1993 ............................... 81 Table 4.43 Unemployed persons by residence and length ofjob search 1991-1993 .......................... 82 Table 4.44 Unemployed persons by sex and method of job search 1991-1993................................ 83 Table 4.45 Unemployed persons by residence and method of job search 1991-1993.......................... 84 Table 4.46 Unemployed persons by sex and type of job sought 1991-1993 ................................. 85 Table 4.47 Unemployed persons by residence and type of job sought 1991-1993 ........................... 86 Table 4.48 Unemployed persons by sex and offícial registration 1991-1993 .............................. 87 Table 4.49 Unemployed persons by residence and official registration 1991-1993 ........................ 88 Table 4.50 Unemployed persons by sex and reason for leaving last job 1991-1993 ........................ 89 Table 4.51 Unemployed persons by residence and reason for leaving last job 1991-1993 .................. 90 Table 4.52 Unemployment rate by last economic activity, occupation and sex 1991-1993 .................. 91 Table 4.53 Population 16-74 by main activity status, age group and sex 1991-1993 ..................... 92 Table 4.54 Population 16-74 by main activity status, residence and sex 1991-1993 ..................... 94 Table 4.55 Population 16-74 by main activity status, education level and sex 1991-1993 ............... 95 Table 4.56 Population 25-64 by main activity status, marital status and sex 1991-1993................. 96 Table 5.1 Registered unemployment as percentage of estimated number of man-years by residence and sex 1991-1993 ......................................................................... 98 Table 5.2 Registered unemployment by residence and sex 1991-1993 .................................... 100 Table 5.3 Registered unemployment at end of month by residence and sex 1991-1993 .................... 102 Table 5.4 Estimated number of man-years by residence and sex 1991-1993............................... 104 Table 5.5 Registered unemployed persons 15-24 years. Percentage of total unemployment by residence and sex 1986-1993 ........................................................................ 106 Table 5.6 Registered unemployment for 6 months or longer. Percentage of total unemployment by residence and sex 1986-1993 ........................................................................ 107
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