Vinnumarkaður - 01.10.1994, Síða 112

Vinnumarkaður - 01.10.1994, Síða 112
110 Aðild að stéttarfélögum 1991-1993 Tafla 7.1. Fjöldi fullgildra og virkra félagsmanna í samböndum stéttarfélaga 1991-1993 Table 7.1. Number of full and active members oflabour federations 1991-1993 Fjöldi í árslok Fullgildir félagsmenn Full members Virkir félagsmenn Active members Number at end ofyear Alls Total Karlar Males Konur Females Alls Totál Karlar Males Konur Females 1991 Alls 105.208 54.865" 50.343" 95.150" 49.569" 45.581" 1991 Total Alþýðusamband Islands 65.112 34.199 30.913 56.242 29.861 26.381 Icelandic Federation of Labour Bandalag háskólamanna 5.521') 2.874" 2.647" 5.141" 2.650" 2.491" Alliance ofGraduate Civil Servants Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 15.466 5.267 10.199 15.466 5.267 10.199 Federation of State and Municipal Employees F armanna- og fiskimannasamband íslands 2.300') 2.295" 5" 2.300" 2.295" 5" Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessels Officers Guild Iðnnemasambandíslands 2.000') 1.600" 400" 2.000" 1.600" 400" Apprentices ’ Union of Iceland Kennarasamband I slands 3.798 1.234 2.564 3.798 1.234 2.564 Teachers ’ Association of Iceland Múrarasamband íslands 415 415 - 415 415 - Masons ’ Association of Iceland Samband íslenskra bankamanna 3.309 810 2.499 3.309 810 2.499 Union oflcelandicBankEmployees Verkstjórasambandíslands 1.818 1.717 101 1.601 1.503 98 Icelandic Foremen ’s Union Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 5.469') 4.454" 1.015" 4.878" 3.934" 944" Non-affiliated unions 1992 Alls 107.031') 56.055" 50.976" 96.990" 50.981" 46.009" 1992 Total Alþýðusambandlslands 64.580" 33.913° 30.667° 55.907° 29.923° 25.984° Icelandic Federation of Labour Bandalagháskólamanna 5.672" 2.950" 2.722° 5.243° 2.693° 2.550° Alliance ofGraduate Civil Servants Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 16.128 5.494 10.634 16.128 5.494 10.634 Federation of State and Municipal Employees Farmanna- og fiskimannasamband íslands 2.300" 2.295" 5" 2.300" 2.295" 5" Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessels Ojficers Guild Iðnnemasamband Islands 3.400" 2.720" 680" 3.400" 2.720" 680" Apprentices ’ Union of Iceland Kennarasamband íslands 3.828 1.224 2.604 3.828 1.224 2.604 Teachers ’ Association of Iceland Múrarasamband Islands 404 404 - 404 404 - Masons ’ Association of Iceland Samband íslenskra bankamanna 3.381 825 2.556 3.381 825 2.556 Union oflcelandicBankEmployees Verkstjórasamband fslands 1.803 1.712 91 1.563 1.476 87 Icelandic Foremen ’s Union Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 5.535" 4.518" 1.017" 4.83Ö ’ 3.927" 909" Non-affúiated unions 1993 Alls 107.203‘) 55.981" 51.222" 97.342" 51.243" 46.099" 1993 Total Alþýðusamband f slands 64.050° 33.629" 30.421" 55.573° 29.985° 25.588° Icelandic Federation of Labour Bandalag háskólamanna 5.921" 3.021" 2.900" 5.479" 2.763" 2.716" Alliance ofGraduate Civil Servants Bandalag starfsmanna ríkis og bæja 16.437 5.544 10.893 16.437 5.544 10.893 Federation of State and Municipal Employees Farmanna- og fiskimannasamband íslands 2.300" 2.295" 5" 2.300" 2.295" 5" Merchant Navy and Fishing Vessels Officers Guild Iðnnemasamband íslands 3.400" 2.720" 680" 3.400" 2.720" 680" Apprentices ’ Union of Iceland Kennarasamband íslands 3.874 1.233 2.641 3.874 1.233 2.641 Teachers ’ Association of Iceland Múrarasamband íslands 404 404 - 404 404 - Masons ’ Association of Iceland Samband íslenskra bankamanna 3.369 802 2.567 3.369 802 2.567 Union oflcelandic BankEmployees V erkstj órasamband í slands 1.812 1.708 104 1.558 1.458 100 Icelandic Foremen ’s Union Stéttarfélög utan sambanda 5.636') 4.625" 1.011» 4.948’ 4.039' 909" Non-affiliated unions 11 Áætluð tala, sjá greinargerð. Estimated number, cf. synopsis Heimildir: Viðkomandi stéttarfélög og sambönd. Sources: Respective organisations.
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