Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Síða 45

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Síða 45
Gistiskýrslur 1999 43 Tafla 4. Gistinætur á hótelum og gistiheimilum eftir landsvæðum og rrkisfangi gesta 1999 (frh.) Table 4. Ovemight stays at hotels and guesthouses by region and citizenship ofguests 1999 (cont.) Landið Höfuð- borgar- svæði Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- allt Capital Suðurnes land firðir vestra eystra land land Total region Southwest West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark Svíþjóð Sweden Noregur Norway Finnland Finland Bretland U.K. Irland Ireland Þýskaland Germany Holland Netherlands Belgt'a Belgium Frakkland France Sviss Switzerland Austurríki Austria Ítalía Italy Spánn Spain Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. Bandaríkin U.S.A. Kanada Canada Japan Japan Lönd áður ótalin Other countries Agúst August ísland Iceland Utlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark Svíþjóð Sweden Noregur Norway Finnland Finland Bretland U.K. írland Ireland Þýskaland Germany Holland Netherlands Belgía Belgium Frakkland France Sviss Switzerland Austurríki Austria Ítalía Italy Spánn Spain Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. Bandaríkin U.S.A. Kanada Canada Japan Japan Lönd áður ótalin Other countries September September ísland Iceland Utlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark Svíþjóð Sweden Noregur Norway Finnland Finland Bretland U.K. írland Ireland Þýskaland Germany Holland Netherlands 12.056 5.108 136 11.450 6.140 64 6.760 4.075 161 3.288 2.373 9 20.490 10.407 223 275 115 - 49.529 16.489 1.429 6.580 2.397 114 2.430 854 95 19.492 4.781 118 15.215 7.863 50 3.560 1.086 64 11.367 3.293 168 5.656 1.573 88 4.796 2.728 37 15.693 10.114 245 1.136 316 598 1.687 1.136 113 8.068 4.120 257 221.247 87.163 4.861 39.964 4.511 625 181.283 82.652 4.236 9.601 6.376 118 12.347 8.338 170 9.790 7.548 76 3.343 2.514 34 16.540 8.580 244 726 135 - 38.300 14.017 992 6.270 2.386 296 1.401 474 53 13.591 3.888 199 7.681 4.060 37 1.716 540 22 21.796 6.073 471 9.306 2.639 110 5.139 2.351 48 13.899 8.557 413 1.778 706 605 1.835 1.142 110 6.224 2.328 238 95.189 59.505 3.833 21.817 5.973 922 73.372 53.532 2.911 6.377 5.033 243 10.585 8.335 63 9.163 8.113 116 4.005 3.427 49 7.437 5.727 215 130 117 - 8.760 6.203 263 3.015 2.095 259 754 74 735 510 3 259 137 13 170 117 9 42 1.460 392 247 2 - 4 3.481 977 2.541 403 99 378 54 5 112 2.019 497 671 733 343 227 89 41 235 514 92 496 190 61 291 83 15 83 411 280 311 40 14 16 59 5 5 552 4 478 14.324 5.768 8.733 4.663 3.829 3.246 9.661 1.939 5.487 287 42 60 170 11 144 291 27 53 54 - 4 1.071 227 190 6 9 2 1.999 565 1.728 257 57 226 108 20 24 1.342 280 582 356 154 210 95 41 43 1.437 217 1.057 380 74 530 319 29 76 977 147 263 15 21 87 79 2 9 418 16 199 2.977 1.447 1.824 1.344 1.194 1.256 1.633 253 568 119 „ 1 235 10 - 103 3 37 33 1 - 210 1 30 20 1 140 28 168 51 19 19 2.062 1.173 2.014 1.314 956 2.204 653 549 1.002 384 186 168 3.548 1.463 2.750 13 29 112 8.307 6.863 9.442 1.219 798 1.172 466 290 554 4.201 3.060 4.145 3.080 1.643 1.276 557 563 925 1.886 2.837 2.081 1.111 1.379 963 569 810 471 1.832 832 1.668 47 30 75 190 79 100 1.476 707 474 36.591 28.729 35.078 8.378 6.562 8.150 28.213 22.167 26.928 616 586 1.516 938 667 1.909 482 503 810 289 178 270 2.630 1.392 2.206 391 32 151 7.188 4.576 7.235 1.058 760 1.230 281 209 232 2.156 2.445 2.699 984 1.053 827 287 310 378 3.674 5.194 3.673 2.129 2.017 1.427 1.199 454 663 1.634 744 1.164 114 136 94 197 146 150 1.966 765 294 9.027 4.723 11.853 4.373 2.049 4.706 4.654 2.674 7.147 314 138 529 295 299 1.348 247 115 429 276 57 162 657 191 387 1 1 10 645 585 728 248 110 214
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