Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 58
Gistiskýrslur 1999
Tafla 8. Gistirými og fjöldi gistinátta í orlofshúsabyggðum1, farfuglaheimilum, svefnpoka- og heima-
gististöðum 1999
Table 8. Available accommodation and number of overnight stays in holiday centres', youth hostels, sleeping-bag and private-home
accommodation 1999
Fjöldi gististaða Number of Fjöldi rúma Number of Fjöldi gistinátta Number of overnight stays
Alls íslendingar Útlendingar
establishments bed-places Total lcelanders Foreigners
Orlofshúsabyggðir Holiday centres 30
Höfuðborgarsvæði Capital area 1
Vesturland West 5
Vestfirðir Westfjords 1
Norðurland vestra Northwest 4
Norðurland eystra Northeast 8
Austurland East 3
Suðurland south 8
Farfuglaheimili Youth hostels 30
Höfuðborgarsvæði Capital area 3
Suðurnes Southwest 2
Vesturland West 3
Vestfirðir Westfjords 2
Norðurland vestra Northwest 3
Norðurland eystra Northeast 3
Austurland East 1
Suðurland south 7
Svefnpokagisting Sleeping-bag accommodation 75
Höfuðborgarsvæði Capital area 1
Vesturland West 11
Vestfirðir Westfjords 11
Norðurland vestra Northwest 13
Noröurland eystra Northeast 15
Austurland East 7
Suðurland south 17
Heimagisting Private home accommodation 153
Höfuðborgarsvæði Capital area 21
Suðumes Southwest -
Vesturland West 19
Vestfirðir Westfjords 20
Norðurland vestra Northwest 17
Norðurland eystra Northeast 30
Austurland East 20
Suðurland south 26
910 44.186 29.091 15.095
6 ]
115 7.850 5.956 1.894
35 )
174 ) 266 ) 15.924 12.444 3.480
48 l 266 ) 20.412 10.691 9.721
831 49.896 9.336 40.560
164 19.606 1.515 18.091
88 | 82 ' 7.107 2.233 4.874
30 ) 59 1 2.100 375 1.725
54 5.516 1.940 3.576
192 9.421 1.677 7.744
162 6.146 1.596 4.550
22.648 10.006 12.642
} 3.300 1.047 2.253
1.994 1.585 409
2.035 1.470 565
6.140 2.144 3.996
1.237 696 541
7.942 3.064 4.878
1454 52.399 21.533 30.866
159 3.545 365 3.180
173 6.201 3.083 3.118
164 7.929 5.368 2.561
180 5.788 3.388 2.400
262 11.966 3.380 8.586
226 7.336 3.459 3.877
290 9.634 2.490 7.144
Með oriofshúsabyggðum er átt við sumar- og smáhýsahverfi með a.m.k. þremur húsum sem eru leigð út gegn gjaldi. Orlofshús stéttar- og starfsmannafélaga
eru ekki meðtalin. Holiday centers refers to clusters of at least three summer houses or cabins (for hire). Holiday centers owned by trade- or company
unions are not included.