Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 65

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 65
Gistiskýrslur 1999 63 Tafla 12. Gistinætur í orlofshúsum eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1999 (frh.) Table 12. Overnight stays in holiday centers by region and citizenship ofguests 1999 (cont.) Landið allt Total Höfuðborgarsvæði og Vesturland Capital region and West Norðurland vestra og Norðurland eystra Northwest and Northeast Austurland og Suðurland East and South Þýskaland Germany 4.607 1.010 1.030 2.567 Holland Netherlands 435 60 154 221 Belgfa Belgium 117 8 33 76 Frakkland France 1.162 208 151 803 Sviss Switzerland 752 36 319 397 Austurríki Austria 284 6 16 262 Italía ltaly 595 31 106 458 Spánn Spain 354 25 36 293 Onnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 1.181 56 68 1.057 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 986 107 379 500 Kanada Canada 121 - 97 24 Japan Japan 11 - - 11 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 60 6 6 48 September-dessember September-December 4.972 307 1.166 3.499 Island Iceland 3.497 274 785 2.438 Utlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof 1.475 33 381 1.061 Danmörk Denmark 310 - 103 207 Svfþjóð Sweden 80 4 2 74 Noregur Norway 29 - 16 13 Finnland Finland 11 - 2 9 Bretland U.K. 205 - - 205 Irland Ireland - - - - Þýskaland Germany 228 5 59 164 Holland Netherlands 29 - - 29 Belgía Belgium 7 - - 7 Frakkland France 52 13 2 37 Sviss Switzerland 22 1 10 11 Austurríki Austria 20 - 4 16 Italía Italy 11 2 - 9 Spánn Spain 1 - - 1 Önnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. 153 - - 153 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 308 1 183 124 Kanada Canada 5 5 - - Japan Japan - - - - Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 4 2 2



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