Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 67

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 67
Gistiskýrslur 1999 65 Tafla 15. Gistinætur á svefnpokagististöðum eftir mánuðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1999 Table 15. Overnight stays at sleeping-bag facilities by month and citizenship ofguests 1999 Alls Janúar-maí Júní Júlí Ágúst Sept.-des. Total January-May June July August Sept.-Dec. Alls Total Island Iceland Utlendingar Foreigners Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark Svíþjóð Sweden Noregur Norway Finnland Finland Bretland U.K. Irland Ireland Þýskaland Germany Holland Netherlands Belgía Belgium Frakkland France Sviss Switzerland Austurríki Austria Italfa Italy Spánn Spain Onnur Evrópul. Other Eur. countr. Bandaríkin U.S.A. Kanada Canada Japan Japan Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 22.648 - 3.000 10.006 - 1.718 12.642 - 1.282 877 _ 72 626 - 80 231 - 65 56 - 19 733 - 90 130 - - 3.339 - 399 1.111 - 55 522 - 111 2.181 - 190 308 - 39 175 - 36 911 - 24 332 - 14 770 - 13 217 - 47 27 - 7 11 - 1 85 - 20 11.393 8.119 136 5.014 3.192 82 6.379 4.927 54 483 322 _ 332 214 - 144 22 - 14 23 - 445 198 - 13 117 - 1.592 1.294 54 581 475 - 83 328 - 1.082 909 - 163 106 - 60 79 - 259 628 - 244 74 - 694 63 - 144 26 _ 5 15 - 5 5 _ 36 29 - Skýringar: Á svefnpokagististöðum gista ósjaldan gestir á niðjamótum. Þeir dvelja ýmist innandyra eða í tjöldum. Af þessum sökum er svefnpoka- og tjaldstæðagisting smndum óaðgreind. Á þetta sérstaklega við um Suðurland. Notes: Sleeping-bag accommodation and accommodation at camping-site facili- ties have in some cases been combined, especially in the South region, (where there is a tradition for summer gatherings offering both types ofaccommodation without distinguishing between them.)



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