Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 76

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 76
74 Gistiskýrslur 1999 Tafla 21. Heildarfjöldi gestakoma eftir landsvæðum og ríkisfangi gesta 1999 Table 21. Total number ofarrivals by region and citizenship ofguests 1999 Landið Höfuð- borgar- svæði Vestur- Vest- Norður- land Norður- land Austur- Suður- allt Capital Suðurnes land ftrðir vestra eystra land land Total region Southwest West Westfjords Northwest Northeast East South Allt árið Whole year 972.132 284.604 29.159 65.893 31.277 47.674 169.721 140.090 203.714 Island Iceland 370.870 50.358 8.477 35.380 22.015 24.490 78.064 55.564 96.522 Utlendingar Foreigners 601.262 234.246 20.682 30.513 9.262 23.184 91.657 84.526 107.192 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 36.599 18.810 1.286 1.506 460 1.379 3.868 3.267 6.023 Svíþjóð Sweden 39.572 25.419 698 1.279 77 705 3.065 3.038 5.291 Noregur Norway 27.753 19.978 557 582 125 489 1.767 1.667 2.588 Finnland Finland 10.653 7.347 266 356 27 130 940 669 918 Bretland U.K. 55.639 28.926 1.377 2.778 834 1.108 6.928 6.023 7.665 Irland Ireland 3.536 2.716 23 47 45 8 193 126 378 Þýskaland Germany 133.368 30.986 5.349 8.148 2.791 6.784 25.576 23.425 30.309 Holland Netherlands 29.756 8.690 980 1.215 417 1.418 5.713 4.834 6.489 Belgía Belgium 8.402 2.288 365 343 145 320 1.732 1.255 1.953 Frakkland France 62.628 12.675 959 4.911 1.358 3.441 11.175 10.812 17.297 Sviss Switzerland 24.501 7.905 361 1.318 660 963 5.157 4.100 4.037 Austurríki Austria 10.288 2.486 204 325 172 547 1.994 1.839 2.721 Italía Italy 41.382 8.744 1.204 2.439 732 2.104 7.892 10.263 8.003 Spánn Spain 19.097 4.898 404 922 249 1.084 3.790 4.650 3.100 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countr 15.758 6.909 376 440 109 348 2.179 2.192 3.205 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 52.177 33.798 1.757 2.139 825 966 4.763 3.499 4.430 Kanada Canada 6.848 1.911 2.955 128 118 154 548 459 576 Japan Japan 5.555 3.206 640 214 20 30 588 407 450 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 17.749 6.555 921 1.423 97 1.205 3.788 2.001 1.759 Janúar-apríl January-April 101.075 65.022 4.724 4.283 1.251 1.264 9.518 4.315 10.698 Island Iceland 53.854 22.872 2.879 3.882 1.156 1.112 8.494 3.698 9.761 Utlendingar Foreigners 47.221 42.150 1.845 401 95 152 1.024 617 937 Þar af Thereof Danmörk Denmark 4.685 4.179 251 25 9 2 160 18 41 Svíþjóð Sweden 6.143 5.821 66 55 5 11 37 34 114 Noregur Norway 4.811 4.653 37 28 10 2 43 14 24 Finnland Finland 1.273 1.199 37 13 - - 12 5 7 Bretland U.K. 8.030 7.382 186 51 7 11 189 70 134 Irland Ireland 504 486 5 4 - - 1 - 8 Þýskaland Germany 4.047 3.240 258 95 7 53 138 100 156 Holland Netherlands 1.666 1.416 56 7 4 4 90 50 39 Belgía Belgium 508 353 47 8 3 - 6 5 86 Frakkland France 793 646 37 15 1 6 36 25 27 Sviss Switzerland 399 279 18 4 - 58 17 16 7 Austurríki Austria 164 139 18 - - - 6 1 - Ítalía Italy 343 272 25 1 - - 20 12 13 Spánn Spain 270 124 118 5 - - 8 5 10 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countr. 1.723 1.563 73 12 3 3 37 8 24 Bandaríkin U.S.A. 9.313 8.543 302 68 37 - 111 91 161 Kanada Canada 601 450 94 - 2 2 32 19 2 Japan Japan 895 551 191 5 1 - 43 51 53 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 1.053 854 26 5 6 - 38 93 31 Maí-ágúst May-August 739.852 149.752 17.115 56.534 27.966 42.578 146.745 125.733 173.431 Island Iceland 260.471 10.876 2.206 28.370 19.052 20.337 60.329 45.698 73.603 Utlendingar Foreigners 479.381 138.876 14.909 28.164 8.914 22.241 86.416 80.035 99.828 Þaraf Thereof Danmörk Denmark 25.785 10.204 648 1.363 442 1.281 3.481 3.086 5.280 Svíþjóð Sweden 24.265 11.890 518 1.110 69 687 2.835 2.729 4.427 Noregur Norway 15.378 8.498 371 477 96 444 1.583 1.550 2.359



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