Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 79

Gistiskýrslur - 01.08.2000, Page 79
Gistiskýrslur 1999 77 Tafla 23. Útlendir farþegar sem komu til íslands eftir mánuðum og ríkisfangi 1999 Table 23. Foreign passengers arriving in Iceland by month and citizenship 1999 Alls Total Janúar Jan. Febr. Febr. Mars March Aprfl April Maí May Júní June Júlí July Ágúst August Sept. Sept. Okt. Oct. Nóv. Nov. Des. Dec. Alls Total 262.605 9.142 11.659 14.737 16.880 20.351 33.237 50.929 41.751 21.457 16.358 13.811 12.293 Danmörk Denmark 25.138 845 1.065 1.474 1.654 2.182 3.659 4.808 3.363 2.359 1.797 1.012 920 Svíþjóð Sweden 26.815 929 1.026 1.659 2.403 2.453 3.550 3.431 3.053 3.026 2.096 1.920 1.269 Noregur Norway 22.579 890 1.629 1.363 1.854 1.952 2.412 2.527 2.746 2.459 2.084 1.755 908 Finnland Finland 8.499 275 233 435 609 836 1.338 1.108 868 1.201 843 445 308 Bretland U.K. 31.466 1.742 2.064 2.633 2.869 2.068 3.747 4.463 3.667 2.092 2.264 2.197 1.660 Irland Ireland 2.356 32 51 66 398 81 113 145 123 123 522 627 75 Þýskaland Germany 31.684 742 846 1.201 1.033 2.281 5.033 8.895 7.103 1.818 893 638 1.201 Holland Netherlands 9.666 240 458 471 504 846 1.138 2.110 1.526 988 612 378 395 Belgía Belgium 2.645 39 119 207 86 324 288 774 400 133 101 76 98 Frakkland France 13.533 108 140 166 502 689 1.875 4.907 3.184 948 351 177 486 Sviss Switzerland 5.820 48 146 63 97 308 983 2.719 887 133 87 74 275 Austurríki Austria 2.791 53 23 48 73 276 295 1.139 604 120 51 37 72 Ítalía Italy 7.698 72 60 116 119 207 712 2.184 3.605 205 143 76 199 Spánn Spain 4.071 48 38 64 122 78 303 1.322 1.449 336 162 57 92 Önnur Evrópulönd Other Eur. countries 9.337 431 386 396 469 699 960 1.485 1.730 1.193 644 460 484 BandanTtin U.S.A. 44.709 2.268 2.514 3.718 3.307 3.982 4.768 6.062 5.156 3.423 3.011 3.359 3.141 Kanada Canada 2.929 95 154 185 261 223 304 417 488 271 222 139 170 Japan Japan 2.506 82 153 145 66 145 422 465 519 179 83 77 170 Lönd áður ótalin Other countries 8.363 203 554 327 454 721 1.337 1.968 1.280 450 392 307 370 Heimild: Talnaefnið er byggt á mánaðarlegum skýrslum frá útlendingaeftirlitinu. Source:Primary data are based on monthly reports by the Immigration Office.



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