Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Page 7

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Page 7
TAGGING EXPERIMENTS AT KOLLAFJÖRÐUR 5 Table 2 Returns from the 1971 Tagging Experiment Group number Age of smolt in years Number of weeks in outdoor ponds Number of tagged smolts released Mean length of tagged smolts R e t u r n s 1972 (after one year) 1973 (after two years) Total re- turns Re- turns % Type of tag K O.P. Total K O.P. Total 1 1 8 2261 14.8 3 1 4 3 0 3 7 0.31 Carlin tag 2 1 10 6086 13.2 13 0 13 Not valid 13 0.21 Adipose clipped 3 1 12 2989 14.5 9 0 9 1 0 1 10 0.33 Carlin tag 4 2 0 448 13.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Fin-clipped 5 2 10 583 13.5 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 0.51 Carlin tag 6 2 35 2481 15.0 91 ^xx 98 18 0 18 116 4.7 Carlin tag 7 2 35 1294 15.6 53 2 55 4 1 5 60 4.6 Carlin tag Total 1+3 K 1 8-12 5250 14.6 12 1 13 4 0 4 17 0.32 Carlin tag Total 6+7 k 2 35 3775 15.2 144 9 | 153 22 1 23 176 4.6 Carlin tag »< Garlin tagged only excluding group 5 and fin clipped kk Two recaptures off West-Greenland K = KollafjörSur O.P.* Other places menced soon after the fish were supposed to have migrated out to sea. The total number tagged with Carlin tags was 9608 whereof only 3775 were viable two-year-old migrants. The rest of the fish were experimental groups from the photoperiod experiment mentioned earlier. 2. The Electric Fishing. The electric fishing was performed several times during the summer of 1971 after the 25th of June. Experience in previous years had shown that if not properly smoltified the one-year migrants did not want to leave the outlet creek. Is was assumed that if the photo- period treatment of the one-year-old smolts had been successful, they would migrate to sea to the same extent as the two-year-olds. The results are shown in Table 1. It is evident that group 1, 2 and 3, which are one-year-olds, have remained to a great ex- tent in the creek, since their remrn in the electric fishing is 13 — 15%. The two-year- old control groups 4 and 5 were caught 10 —12% which shows that they also were reluctant to leave the creek. Groups 6 and 7, on the other hand, were hardly cought at all in the electric fishery with means that they migrated directly to sea soon after release. 3. The Adult Retum. Since the one-year migrants did not seem to leave the station very promptly in 1971, it was not expected that they would remrn in great numbers in 1972. However they show- ed a considerable improvement over earlier releases of one year smolt at the Fish Farm (see the 1970 experiment in this report). The adult remrns are shown in Table 2.


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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