Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Side 11

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Side 11
TAGGING EXPERIMENTS AT KOLLAFJÖRÐUR 9 Table 5 Returns from the 1972 Tagging Experiment Grcxjp number Age of smolt in yea rs Number of weeks in outdoor ponds Number of tagged smolts released Mean length of tagged smolts R e t u r n s 1973 (after one year) 1974 (after two years) Total re- turns Re- turn % Type of experiment K O.P. Total K O.P. Total 1 2 45 1998 14.2 77 3 80 3 0 3 83 4.1 Production return-rate 2 2 35 1992 16.8 146 2 148 2 0 2 150 7.5 3 2 35 629 19.5 55 5 60 2 0 2 62 9.8 4 2 35 995 14.6 50 0 50 1 0 1 51 5.1 Type of attachment 5 2 35 998 14.6 44 0 44 6 1 7 51 77 6 2 0* 1497 14.8 44 5 49 1 0 1 50 3.3 Photoperiod 7 1 0* 970 14.9 19 0 19 - - 19 1.9 8 2 35 1000 14.0 70 0 70 5 0 5 75 7.5 Fin clip Vs. tag Total 1-5 ^MM 6612 j 372 10 382 14 1 15 397 6.0 I m = Kept under artiflcial light for 30 weeks mm « Excluding fish in photoperiod experiment and fin-clipped K = Kollafjöröur O.P.- Other places released were on the average larger in the 1972 experiment. Any real differences will be noted in the length/recapture-rate ana- lysis. There does not seem to be any difference in the return-rate of fish tagged with wire attachement (5,1) and those tagged with polyethylene attachement (5,1). One intere- sting difference, though, was a higher return- rate after two years in the sea of salmon tagged with Carlin tags with polyethylene attachement (13% of the total) as compared to those with Carlin tags with wire (2% of total). A reasonable explanation for this is not available. The polyethylene thread used was not of the conventional type used for smolt tagging in other countries and was con- siderably less pliable. The remrn-rate of one-year-old smolts in the photoperiod experiment (group 7) is fair- ly satisfactory compared to two-year-old out- door smolts of approximately the same ave- rage size when tagged (e.g. group 4). The control group (6) is superior to the one-year- olds but does not compare with a correspon- ding group from outdoor ponds (group 4). It is thus clear that the artifical environment has not been a satisfactory substimte for na- mre. Another interesting thing is that stray- ing is greater in group 6 (10%) than in any other group. The amount of straying in all other groups combined was only 2,9%. Group 3 was different from the other groups in that the smolts had been carrying the Carlin tag for a year before their re- lease. These fish were tagged and released in 1971 as one-year-smolts and subsequently electrofished in the outlet creek. They were re-released in 1972 as two-year-smolts. The effect of this long tag-adjustment time on remrn-rate is open to speculations. In spite of a small average size (14,0 cm)


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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