Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Qupperneq 19

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Qupperneq 19
TAGGING EXPERIMENTS AT KOLLAFJÖRÐUR 17 1.4 untagged salmon return for each tagged salmon. This is the lowest ratio ever obtained at the Fish Farm indicating very successful tagging and/or very little tag loss. It should be noted that all fish tagged in these experi- ments were over 13,5 cm in fork length. The results are thus only representative of smolts in that size category. The remrn rate of one- year-smolts to the Fish Farm is averaging 8.5 % which is 4 times better than the return rate of one-year-smolts in 1973 (ÍSAKSSON 1976) which was the best on record at the Fish Farm up to that point. Group 12 consists of various smolts that were put into a floating pen on a saltwater lagoon in the spring of 1973 for salinity tolerance experiments. The fish were tagged in October when they were released and their sensitivity at that stage may be partly responsible for the inferior remrn rate in that group. This experiment will be discussed in detail in a later report. The amount of straying in all groups com- bined was only 2,4% which is very close to the straying in 1973 (Ísaksson 1976) but lower than in earlier experiments (Guð- jónsson 1970). ÍSLENZKT YFIRLIT Niðurstöður merkingatilrauna 1973 í Laxeldisstöðinni í Kollafirði. Árni Ísaksson Veiðimálastofnunin, Reykjavík. Rætt er um bráðabirgðaniðurstöður merk- ingatilraunanna 1973 í Laxeldisstöðinni í Kollafirði. Gönguseiðin voru annaðhvort 3. The total run. The total run to the Fish Farm was 3065 fish. Estimates indicate that 2850 of these were remrning as grilse. About 1186 of these were marked in some way out of 11.100 released, giving a remrn rate of 10,7% for tagged and finclipped fish. The number re- mrning unmarked was about 1660. The total release of unmarked smolts was 11,800. This gives about 14% remrn rate of unmarked fish which is in close agreement with the remrn rate for adipose clipped fish dicussed earlier. The total number of fish released in 1973 was 23.300. Using the number of grilse re- turning we get a 12,2% return rate for all fish released in 1973. A total of 328 kelts were tagged and re- leased in December of 1973. The day after their release very cold weather started with several degrees of frost which lasted for se- veral days. A thick icesheet was formed on the Kollafjörður inlet and undercooling of the sea water was observed. It was expected that these adverse conditions might reduce the return rate of the kelts. The observed return rate for these was 1,2% as compared to 30% for 1973. veiðiuggaklippt eða merkt með Carlin-merkj- um. Merkin vom tvenns konar, annars vegar plastmerki, fest með plastþræði, hins vegar venjuleg sænsk merki, fest með stálvír. Helzm niðurstöður eru sem hér segir: 1. Endurheimta eins og tveggja ára göngu- seiða, sem fengið höfðu eðlilega birtu- breytingu í 35 vikur fyrir sleppingu, var svipuð, nálega 8—10%. 2. Endurheimta merkja, sem fest voru með
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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