Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Síða 22

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Síða 22
20 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR Table 1 Groups Tagged ín 1971 and Recaptures by Electric Fishing Group number Age of smolt in years Number of weeks in outdoor ponds Number of smolts released Number of smolts caught by electric fishing Percent caught by electric fishing i i 8 2261 (C) 299 13.2 2 i 10 6086 (F) 943 15.3 3 i 12 2989 (C) 440 14.7 4 2 0 448 (F) 55 12.3 5 2 10 583 (C) 58 9.9 6 2 35 2481 (C) 2 0.08 7 2 35 1294 (C) 2 0.15 C 31 Carlin tag F * Finclipped enables migrants to react to the proper stimuli at migration time (Baggerman 1960). Usu- ally the one-year-smolts being produced at the Fish Farm were under an intensive rear- ing program, being fed day and night and thus being exposed to „constant light" photo- period. Coupled with the fact that the smolts did not get very silvery at migration time, even if they were 17—18 cm long, it was not unreasonable to assume that the fish were also physiologically mixed up at that time. Saunders and Henderson (1970) found that reciprocal photoperiod in the spring af- fected the condition of smolts and reduced subsequent growth in salt-water. It is there- fore a reasonable assumption that any other abnormal photoperiod regime would have similar effect. It was decided to try to improve smoltifi- cation of the one-year-smolts by subjecting them to natural photoperiod for as long as needed before release. To do this one had to sacrifice some of the growth during the winter when the days are very short but it was compensated for partly by speeding up the hatching of the eggs by increasing incu- bation temperatures and thus lengthening the rearing period before photoperiod treatment. One could also expect that the smoltified salmon would grow very well in the spring before release as reported by Saunders and Henderson (1970). THE 1971 EXPERIMENT 1. Treatment. The fish used for the 1971 experiment were hatched under a normal temperamre regime and started feeding in May of 1970. In early March of 1971 ca 5000 fish over 13,5 cm long were Carlin tagged and moved from the
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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