Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Qupperneq 26

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Qupperneq 26
24 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR Table 3 Salinity Tolerance of Various Groups of One- and Two-Year-Smolts Age of smolts Treatment before planting Number put into floating pen Mortality within 3 days % Mortality after 4 1/2 months Mean length when planted Mean length after 4 1/2 months Salinity in pen Type of mark Comments 1 Smolts subjected to intensive indoor rearing 1000 21 16-17 cm 27.2%o Carlin tag Removed from pen after 4 days 1 Smolts subjected to intensive indoor rearing 200 27 45 13-14 cm 19.0 cm 27.2%o Adipose clip 1 35 weeks of natural photoperiod through transparent roof 200 0 5.5 13-14 cm 25.5 cm 27.2%© Treated as one group after two weeks. 2 35 weeks in outdoor ponds before release 200 0 year-smolts were adipose clipped but the ot- hers were unmarked. The results from these experiments are in Table 3. In the following discussion the smolts sub- jected to intensive indoor rearing will be re- ferred to as non-photoperiod-fish but the others as photoperiod-fish. It is evident that the non-photoperiod-fish cannot adapt to the saline environment. Both of these groups had a heavy mortality (20—30%) within a very short period even if they differed considera- bly in mean length which shows that length does not play an important role in salinity tolerance if the fish is not properly smoltified. The larger non-photoperiod-fish stayed a very short period in the pen but the other group stayed there for 4V2 months. It had 45% mortality in that time compared to an average mortality of 5,5% in the other two groups that had gotten namral photoperiod for 35 weeks. There was a considerable difference in growrh rate between the photoperiod and non-photoperiod-fish. The latter had only reached an average length of 19 cm after AVi months compared to 25,5 cm in the photoperiod-fish. This is in good agreement with the findings of Saunders and Hen- derson (1970) which found inferior marine growth in smolts subjected to inverse spring- photoperiod. There was an outstanding diffe- rence in appearance through the whole periad. The non-photoperiod-fish had a strange greenish-yellow appearance but the others had a silvery appearance. All the fish were tagged with plastic tags and released in Octo- ber of 1973 and remrned the following summer. They had an overall return rate of 3,5% but none of the returning fish had an adipose clip in addition to the tag so it was quite clear that the non-photoperiod-fish were not returning at all.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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