Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Page 50

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Page 50
J. AGR. RES. ICEL. ÍSL. LANDBÚN. 1976 8, 1-2: 48-53 Studies on autumn weight of Icelandic lambs I. Correction factors for autumn weight of lambs JÓN VlÐAR JÓNMUNDSSON Agricultural Research Institute, Reykjavík, Iceland. ABSTRACT A study was made of the effect of some systematic environmental effects on autumn weight of 13217 lambs of the Icelandic breed of sheep. Type of birth and rearing of lamb, age of dam, age of lamb and sex explained 46 per cent of the variation in autumn weight within farm and year. The constants obtained for these effects are given in tables and in the text. Introduction. Approximately forty per cent of the total agricultural production in Iceland comes from the sheep sector. In no other country in Nort- hern Europe are sheep of such importance for the agricultural economy. One of the ways of increasing productivity of the sheep production is by improving the sheep population genetically by selection. It has been shown in several instances that auffimn weight of lambs is highly influenced by systematic environmental factors (Aðal- steinsson, 1966, Gjedrem, 1965, San- golt, 1969). It is therefore necessary to be able to adjust for these environmental effects when estimating the breeding value of indi- vidual animals and also when genetic para- meters are being estimated. Material. The data used in the present investigation were collected on lambs from the Icelandic breed of sheep on four experimental farms in Iceland during the period 1965 —1970. Table 1 shows the number of breeding ewes on these farms together with the average number of lambs born per ewe alive at lambing time. On all the farms in the study, selection against tan fibres in the wool and for improved pelt quality has taken place during the period in question. The data were available on punched cards. From there they were transferred to a magne- tic disc pack where the calculations carried out. Altogether 13217 lambs were included in the analysis. Excluded were lambs with missing information and all abnormal lambs, e.g. sick lambs, lambs which lost their dam during the grazing period etc. Of the total, 6438 were male, and 6779 female lambs. The average autumn live weight of all lambs


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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