Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Síða 51

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Síða 51
STUDIES ON AUTUMN WEIGHT OF ICELANDIC LAMBS 49 Table 1. Number of ewes (n), years and older in May and their average fertility (x) calcu- lated as number of lambs per ewe alive at lambing. 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 Experimental ---------- -------------- ------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ farm nx nx nx nx nx nx Hvanneyri ............. 322 1.63 346 1.55 312 1.52 290 1.57 263 1.55 232 1.26 Reykholar ............. 217 1.48 250 1.61 277 1.56 269 1.62 254 1.61 234 1.44 Skriðuklaustur..... 597 1.63 602 1.57 617 1.54 602 1.49 594 1.38 577 1.55 Holar ................. 448 1.33 454 1.55 425 1.45 436 1.35 441 1.53 420 1.45 Total.................. 1584 1.53 1652 1.56 1631 1.51 1597 1.49 1552 1.49 1463 1.46 was 35.68 kg with a coefficient of variation (cv) of 14.8 per cent. The average weight of male lambs was 37.26 kg with a cv of 14.7 per cent and that of the females 34.19 kg and 13.6 per cent, respectively. Average age of the lambs at weighing time was 125.6 days, with a standard devia- tion of 8 days, the estimates being equal for bot sexes. Methods. Due to the unequal number of animals in the subgroups, the estimation of the correc- tion factors must by done by the method of least squares. This analysis has been described by Harvey (1960). All the statistical ana- lyses carried out in this investigation have been done on a within farm and year basis. The following basic model was used for the estimation (Model I): Yijki_"+ai+bj+ck+bi cxiijki+xi) +b2<X2ijkl+X2) + b3<X3ijkl+X3) + e... .where íjkl Yijkl = the 1* observation of autumn . th weight of lamb of the k sex, the j* type of birth and re- aring and the .th age of dam. p = average autumn weight of lambs. a. i the effect of the i^ age group of dam; i = 1, ..., 9 o. J = the effect of the j type of birth and rearing; j = 1,... 6 = the effect of the k^ sex; k = 1, 2 bj = partical regression coefficient of autumn weight of lamb on age of lamb b^ = partical regression coefficient of autumn weight of lamb on squared age of lamb bg = partial regression coefficient of autumn weight of lamb on date of birth of lamb Xlijkl = age of lamb of the autumn weight, the k^ sex, thej* type of birth and the i of dam .th age group
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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