Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Page 59

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Page 59
STUDIES ON AUTUMN WEIGHT OF ICELANDIC LAMBS 57 Table 1. Heritability estimates of autumn weight of lambs. Male lambs Female lambs Farm Number Heritability + S.E. Number Heritability + S.E. Hvanneyri 1172 0.29+0.09 1284 0.31+0.09 Reykholar 1116 0.03+0.03 1187 0.20+0.07 Skriduklaustur 2423 0.30+0.06 2428 0.40+0.07 Holar 1615 0.15+0.05 1746 0.20+0.06 Total 6326 0.19+0.03 6645 0.29+0.04 Table 2. Heritability estimates of maternal effeot on autumn weight of lambs. Male lambs Female lambs Farm Number Heritability + S.E. Number Heritability + S.E. Hvanneyri 806 0.32+0.11 842 0.42+0.13 Reykholar 527 0.15+0.10 557 0.22+0.11 Skriduklaustur 1987 0.17+0.05 2014 0.32+0.07 Holar 1166 0.'37 + 0.10 1247 0.09+0.05 Total 4486 0.27+0.04 4660 0.27+0.04


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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