Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Blaðsíða 60

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Blaðsíða 60
58 ÍSLENZKAR LANDBÚNAÐARRANNSÓKNIR estimate of 0.27, equal for both sexes, was obtained for maternal effect on autumn weight of lambs. Gjedrem (1967) found an estimate of 0.12 for the same character, while Eikje (1970) was unable to demonstrate any genetic variation in this character. Shelton and Menzies (1968) found a heritability of 0.29 for „total lamb production”. Aðal- STEINSSON (1971) found a heritability of 0.21 for ewe productivity measured as a score for carcass production per ewe at two years of age. Compared to the referred estimates, the estimate found in the present smdy seems relatively high. Sources of bias in this analysis are gene- rally of the same type as when estimating heritability of autumn weight of lambs. The k-value was 5.5, and the genetic relationship between halfsibs calculated by the formula given by Osborne (1957) was found to be 0.260 for males and 0.262 for females. En- vironmental correlations might therefore have greater effect in the latter analysis. ÍSLENZKT YFIRLIT Rannsókni' á þunga lamba á fœti. II. Arfgengi. Jón Viðar Jónmundsson Rannsóknastofnun Landbúnaðarins. Reiknað hefur verið arfgengi fyrir þunga lamba á fæti á fjórum ríkisbúum haustin 1965—1970. Arfgengi var metið frá fylgni When calculating the heritability of ma- ternal effect, the same daughter groups will be repeated in successive years. As a result, the calculations will be based on much fewer sires than the within year sire groups indicate, because information on the same animals is used repeatedly. Therefore, the question of how sums of squares and degrees of freedom should be combined has greater actuality in an analysis on maternal effect than when analysing autumn weights grouped by sires of lambs. It should be pointed out that if the correc- tion for the effect of age of dam on lamb weight is incomplete, this might affect the estimate, because within many of the daugh- ter groups all the ewes are of the same age. If the covariance between maternal genetic and additive genetic effect on autumn weight of lambs is negative, then the heritability of maternal effect has been underestimated by the method used. hálfsystkina. Hjá 6326 hrútlömbum var arf- gengi 0.19 — 0.03, en hjá 6645 gimbrum 0.29 ± 0.04. Arfgengi fyrir móðuráhrifum á þunga lamba á fæti var reiknað 0.27 * 0.04 og reyndist jafnt fyrir bæði kyn. Hugsanlegir skekkjuvaldar í gögnum og við útreikninga eru ræddir og útkomurnar bornar saman við hliðstæðar eldri rannsóknir.
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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