Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Page 63

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Page 63
STUDIES ON AUTUMN WEIGHT OF ICELANDIC LAMBS 61 Table la. Applied and potential selection of ram lambs. Potential Kept for breeding Sold for breeding selection Farm Number i Number i i Hvanneyri ......................... 23 1.04 2 1.52 1.44 Reykhólar ......................... 23 1.16 19 0.91 2.13 Skriðuklaustur..................... 54 0.54 100 0.94 1.88 Hólar ............................. 63 0.78 29 0.62 2.02 Total............................. 163 0.79 150 0.88 2.00 1 = Standardized phenotypic selection differential =. Xsel [A, o q A G = ------------ ’ where L., + M M IM = genetic selection differential for male lambs, Ip — genetic selection differential for female lambs, Lj^. = generation interval for male lambs, and Lp = generation interval for female lambs. Table 1 shows the number of selected lambs together with their phenotypic se- lection differential i,n standardized units (i). The table further shows how intense the selection would have been if selection had been applid to autumn weight of lambs only. The potential selection was obtained by cal- culating the average corrected autumn weight, within year, farm and sex, for the same number of the heaviest lambs as actually kept for breeding or sold alive in the corre- sponding groups. Table 2 shows the average generation in- tervals that were found in the present study. Table lb. Applied and potential selection of ewe lambs. Potential Kept for breeding Sold for breeding selection Farm Number i Number i i Hvanneyri ........................ 258 0.39 6 0.28 1.27 Reykhólar ........................ 260 0.41 23 0.67 1.21 Skriðuklaustur.................... 549 0.41 97 0.37 1.13 Hólar ............................ 380 0.51 16 0.25 1.30 Total............................. 1492 0.43 142 0.40 1.21 i = Standardized phenotypic selection differential — Xsel [j, o P


Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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