Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.09.1976, Síða 85
Öll efnaúrvinnsla var unnin á rannsókna-
stofnun Bændaskólans á Hvanneyri, eftir því
sem aðstæður leyfðu. Magnús Oskarsson, til-
raunastjóri á Hvanneyri, lagði á ráðin um val
á tilraunaverkefni og rannsóknarliðum, og
frú Þóra Guðjónsdóttir veitti mér mikilvæga
aðstoð við greiningu sýna. Sérfræðingar og
aðstoðarfólk í Rannsóknastofnun landbúnað-
An experiment on grazing lambs on marrow
stem kale and rape.
Agricultmal Society of lceland
An experiment on grazing lambs on marrow
stem kale and rape was carried out in
autumn 1968 at the Agriculmral Research
Institute’s Experimental Farm Hestur.
The following data were collected:
1. Yield, chemical composition and digesti-
bility of the marrow stem kale and rape.
2. Effect of grazing on kale and rape on live
weight, carcass weight, dressing out per-
centage, carcass grade, liver and thyroid
gland weight and palatability of the liver.
3. Composition of the blood with respect to
haemoglobin, haematocrit, bilirubin, alka-
line phosphatase, Ca, P, K, Na as well as
clotting time of the blood.
The experiment stated on September 22nd
and finished on October 28th. Altogether 26
twin ram lambs were used in the experiment.
They were weaned at the beginning of the
arins, Tilraunastöð háskólans að Keldum,
Hjarta- og æðavernd, Rannsóknastofnun
fiskiðnaðarins o.fl. veittu mér ómetanlega
hjálp við sýnitökur, efnaákvörðun, smásjár-
skoðun, stærðfræðilegt mat á útreikningum
og aðra aðstoð á sínum sérsviðum. Ollu þessu
fólki þakka ég veittan stuðning og mikla
hjálp við tilraunaverkefnið.
experiment and divided into 4 groups with
respect to live weight, previous weight gain,
age and dam’s carcass production score.
Lambs in group I were slaughtered at the
start of the experiment, those in group II
were grazed on uncultivated pasture, those in
groups III and IV were grazed on kale except
for the last week of the experiment, when
lambs in group IV were grazed on aftermath.
The kale and rape was sown on 31- May
on drained bog, 0.4 ha in size, fertilizer ap-
plied, being 185 kg N, 73 kg P, 185 kg K
and 23 kg Borax per hectare.
The uncultivated pasmre used for lambs
in group II was drained bog, 1.1 ha in
size, which had not been grazed previously
that summer.
The main results were as follows:
1. The yield of kale and rape 7850 feed
units per hectare. The feed intake of the
lambs on ka'le and rape averaged 1.85
feed units per lamb per day.
2. The dry matter percentage of the kale
and rape increased with time. The leaves
had approximately 2% higher dry matter
percentage than the stems.
3. The digestibility of the kale and rape
averaged 86.5 per cent of organic matter.