Iceland review - 2002, Blaðsíða 67
quotas for individual vessels. Its objective is
to promote the conservation and efficient
utilisation of marine resources to ensure sta-
ble employment and settlement throughout
the country. The main advantage of
Icelandic fisheries management is its eco-
nomic efficiency. Progressive enterprises
have chosen to invest in harvest rights.
Harvest rights have been transferred to
those who exploit them most efficiently.
Trading in quotas has encouraged speciali-
sation in processing. This economic effi-
ciency is extremely important for a nation
so dependent on its fisheries.” Iceland was
the first country to adopt a system based pri-
marily on ITQs (individual transferable
quotas), and the system has worked well in
keeping the total catch within the deter-
mined limits. As a result, the condition of
fish stocks has improved and profitability in
the fishing industry has increased as trading
in quotas for different species has allowed
firms to specialise and increase efficiency.
“The quota system has served well in
keeping the catch within previously deter-
mined limits. The actual total catch is quite
transparent since, with very minor excep-
tions, all catches are landed in Iceland.
Regarding individual fish stocks, the most
important achievement in recent years has,
without doubt, been the protection and
strengthening of the cod stock, the most
important of the Icelandic commercial
stocks. This has been achieved using the
precautionary approach to fisheries man-
On the forefront internationally
“Iceland is primarily a food-producing
country and has, throughout its history,
sought to be as self-sufficient in its domes-
tic food provision as natural conditions have
allowed. Iceland is still dependant, to an
almost unparalleled extent, on fisheries for
its livelihood. There is universal concern
about overfishing and the state of fish
stocks, and understandably so, in light of
the importance of fisheries to world securi-
ty. Fish is, after all, the prime source of ani-
mal protein for some one billion people in
the developing world.” Worldwide, the
modern day expectations of the fisheries
include not only sustainable utilisation of
marine resources and the precautionary
approach to fishing, but also responsible
handling of the catch, quality assurance in
processing, and safe and healthy products.
“The Icelandic government and the fish-
ing industry also call for responsibility in
the fishing industry based on the premise
that sustainable development in the fisheries
is vital for the industry and the nation alike,
not only in its biological sense, but also in
economic terms.”
Iceland has actively contributed to the
framework of international law for fish-
eries, as well as regional conservation and
management. “Icelanders have made it a
point of considerable emphasis to be in the
forefront internationally, firstly with the
efforts to extend fisheries jurisdiction and in
promoting the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea. Following up on this,
we aimed at promoting conservation and
responsible exploitation of fish stocks and
now, most recently, we have adopted the
aim of responsible harvesting of marine
resources. The dominant aspect here is not
only to prevent over-exploitation, but to
ensure balanced harvesting. Thus, some
marine species should not be over-exploit-
ed, while others are protected at the cost of
those already subject to over-exploitation.
Last October, the UN Fisheries and
Agricultural Organisation, FAO, held, in co-
operation with the Icelandic government
and with support from the government of
Norway, a very successful conference in
Reykjavík on Responsible Fisheries in the
Marine Ecosystem. The conference’s clos-
ing statement, known as the Reykjavík
Declaration, outlined this policy in very
clear terms.”
Increasing value of seafood
Recent health concerns about meat in
Europe are likely to further increase the
value of seafood. “Health issues are directly
and indirectly linked to the increasing value
of marine products. Fish is a very healthy
food. At the same time, it is a delicate prod-
uct, needing careful handling and easily
damaged if not treated properly. Recently,
dioxin, dioxin-like PCB and PCBs have
been in focus. There is no way of reducing
these substances in fish other than by sub-
stantially reducing these emissions in the
environment. We know that fish consump-
tion is good for us and consumers must be
informed of the positive aspects of fish con-
sumption, which more than balance out the
negative effects of dioxins and other con-
taminating substances in almost all areas.”
The Icelandic Seafood Exhibition, held
this September, is extremely important to
the industry. “The exhibition has been run-
ning every three years since 1984 and has
been a success with both exhibitors and vis-
itors. More than 800 companies from 35
countries show their products, and the exhi-
bition covers every aspect of the commer-
cial fishing industry. In connection with the
exhibition, the Ministry of Fisheries will be
hosting a seminar on the utilisation of
marine resources in the light of technical
evolution in fisheries and fish processing.
The seminar will take place on 6 September
at the Smáraskóli school auditorium, right
next to the exhibition area, and I would like
to encourage all those attending the exhibi-
tion to come to the seminar.”
Anna Margrét Björnsson is a staff writer.
“Rapid advances in Icelandic fisheries have been
accompanied by the development of manufacturing
and service industries that draw on a long history of
experience in the practical needs of fishing and fish
processing operations.”
61 IR302 - Iceland Businesbs-rm 2.9.2002 13:38 Page 65