

Muninn - 01.04.2023, Blaðsíða 60

Muninn - 01.04.2023, Blaðsíða 60
1.SÆTÍ SMÁSÖGIIKBPPNÍ FÉLAGS ENSKFKBNNARA SAGA EFTÍR HBLGr SÖLEY TFIJnÍFS The Boss’s wife Maria knew she was in deep trouble the second Antonio’s body hit the ground. Her anger had taken over and all reason had gone out the window. But in her defense, she had never been so angry before. Sure, she and Antonio fought a lot but never like this. She had just lost control when he had said that he was leaving her, and for another woman. Maria had worked too hard for her place to be pushed out. She had learned how to work around Antonio and his family, she had leamed the family business. She had dealt with the disgusting stares from every other member of the mob. It really disgusted her how they looked at her, like an object, like a fragile little woman who slept her way to the top. She had worked for her place. She had pretended to like him and his family, she had put on the damned best act of her life for this. She had endured years of torment and abuse from him and his family. Isolation, high expectations and she had given up on the idea of love for this place. He was not about to take her life away and for what? So he could trade her in for a newer model, no way. She knew you didn’t kill a mob boss and get away with it. Even though she had her reasons, even though he had been a horrible husband. She knew she was in more trouble now than ever before. In this world, it was better to be in a horrible relationship with a powerful man than to be alone amongst the rest, or worse at the mercy of the rest. Maria knew that people would come to get her, and everyone would come after her. It would look good to be the person who caught the murderer of Antonio Fiore, the leader of the Vittori crime family. Now that Antonio was dead there would be a big power imbalance and everyone would be looking to take the lead and get up in the hierarchy. Sergio was surprised when the yelling stopped. Normally the Boss and his wife argued all night, but apparently, tonight was different. Maybe tonight was one of those rear nights where they rekindled their love and remembered why they married each other. While Sergio couldn’t care less if the Boss and his wife were happy or not, he was glad that they stopped arguing, he could fmally get some peace and quiet but behind that blithe was a knowing feeling something was wrong. Dante was already asleep on the couch like normal, the lazy fool, Sergio knew Dante had used his family ties to get this position because of its safety and its trouble-free position. That was not what Sergio wanted but it’s what he got. Sergio had a knowing feeling in his gut, something was wrong, and his gut was usually right. When he started working for the Vittori crime family that had been one of the factors that pushed him ahead. But then he had not imagined that that work consisted of sitting in a house listening to a couple fight all night, every night. He was there to protect them but to be fair no one would dream of so much as touching Antonio Fiore, he was too powerful, so Sergio really had no use being there. He looked over to Dante who was sleeping on the couch and thought about following his example. But something inside of him told him not to. He had worked so hard to get this high in the ring to be caught lacking now. He still felt the uncomfortable feeling that something was wrong. Maria knew she had to get out of this, somehow. She knew she was doomed; she was as good as dead. A family like the Vittori crime family would never let the murderer of their leader go, no matter her position, or previous position. She had to find some way out, she had not struggled and fought for her place for years for it to be taken away by such a stupid mistake. She had always been good at getting out of trouble, but she couldn’t see any way out unnoticed, the house was well guarded 24/7 and it would raise questions to see the Bosses wife leave this late at night, especially after a fight like tonight. She couldn’t see any way to get out of this mess she created. She looked around for something to help her, she had to think, what could she do when she saw it. She knew it was risky, she knew to pull this off she had to do what she did best and put on the best show
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