

Muninn - 01.04.2023, Blaðsíða 61

Muninn - 01.04.2023, Blaðsíða 61
of her life. She picked up Antonio’s gun and fired. The silence upstairs was starting to drive Sergio mad when the gunshot sent him to his feet. Dante fell off the couch beside him and clumsily stood up. They Iooked at each other wondering what could have happened. Sergio saw on Dante’s bleak face that this was not something that had ever happened before. Dante had held this position much longer than Sergio, but he could see as clear as day that the other man had no idea what to do. Sergio took the charge and ran upstairs, hoping Dante would follow as backup. Theories circled in Sergio’s head, what could have happened? The gunshot came from upstairs, the only people there had been the Boss and his wife. The Boss hadn’t been stupid enough to shoot his wife, had he? Or worse had someone gotten through their defenses and killed the Boss, that would be extremely bad for Sergio. He couldn’t even imagen what would happen to him if that was true. He hurried up checking the rooms, which were all empty, till he got to the master bedroom. Sergio approached the room slowly so as not to attract attention. Dante had finally mustered up the courage to come upstairs and they listened to try and hear what was happening inside. Sergio really had to strain his ears, but he thought he could hear a woman’s cries, but nothing else. Sergio looked at Dante and slowly opened the door. What he saw shook him to his core. The Bosses wife lay on the floor, covered in blood, crying. and beside her was the Boss’s lifeless body. Sergio saw that the Boss had been stabbed, but he had a hard time processing exactly what had happened. Had someone really passed through their defenses? Sergio really didn’t know what to do and by the look on Dante’s face, he didn’t either. He looked over at the woman, she was as beautiful as always and there was something about her anguish that lit something in Sergio. She looked like she was supposed to be in a painting. “H-help me, please” the woman cried, and at that moment they noticed she was shot in the leg. Sergio ran to her, putting pressure on the wound and emergency bandaged it. Fortunately, the bullet had only braised her leg. He looked closer into her eyes. Through the tears, he could see her beautiful amber eyes and at that moment he saw the realization in her eyes like she was seeing him for the first time for what he was. “Thank you,” she said while putting her hand on his thigh. He tensed up under her touch even though it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He knew if this woman was his he would give her the world. He was mesmerized by her beauty; he had never been this close to her and now he was touching her. He wanted to touch her more. “Sergio” it was Dante’s voice that brought him back to reality. “She killed him, she killed the Boss” and deep inside Sergio knew it was true, but his head was so filled with the charm of the woman. He didn’t believe someone so beautiful could do something so ugly. “N-no she couldn’t have” Sergio uttered. “What the fuck do you mean? Who else could have done it?” Dante was raging by now “we have to tie her up. We must call in reinforcements, now” Dante continued. Sergio knew he was right, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t imagine someone that beautiful having to waste away in a grim, stone box, or worse, die. She cupped his face, looked deep into his eyes, and said “please, please don’t let them take me away, I-I didn’t mean to do it, but he shot me, and I was so, so scared. Please I want to stay here with you.” That sealed it for him, he knew he was getting her out of this. “That’s bullshit,” Dante said, “she’s just trying to fool you man” Sergio looked up at Dante’s distressed face and shot him. The woman recoiled at the sound, but Sergio tightened his grip on her, to assure her he would protect her. “I had to do that,” he said “he would have tumed you in, he would have looked you away but now we can blame him. He killed Antonio and I killed him in retaliation” the words spewed out of Sergio’s mouth, and he realized he was trying to convince himself of the plan just as much as he was convincing the woman. “We’ll blame him and then you’ll be off the hook” he finished as he looked longingly into her eyes. The man looked at Maria like the small, fragile woman they thought she was. Under normal circumstances that would have made her disgusted and angry, but this time it made her ecstatic. In this world, there is only one thing that matters, power. So, when she saw that look in his eyes, she had to bite down the smile forming on her lips. At that moment she knew he would do whatever she asked.
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