EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Side 4

EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Side 4
4 Em Em Stcwart Says— Federal Union, Inc.,' Highly Impractical, But It Makes Noise &-----------------------•<! Bv CHARLES P. STEWART q Central Press Columnist FEDERATION of all the world’s English-speaking countries is be- ginning to be seriously talked about. An organization called Fed- eral Union ac- tually has in- corporated it- self to boost the idea from head- quarters in Washington I think that Dor- othy Thompson. t h e columnist. had more than any other single individual to do with givíng the notion tangibil- ity Now that t h e scheme’s taken concrete form. however. quite a sizable group of intellectuals are associat- ing themselves with it. The proposition was pretty hazy at flrst. but since then it’s been de- veloped into an extremely deflnite ptan. To be included in the suggested hook-up are the United States. the people of John Bull’s own island, the Irish. the Canadians, the Aus- tralians, the New Zealanders and the South African Union. They’re to be tied together just as our 48 states. our couple of territories and miscellaneous insular possessions are The aggregation’s constitu- tion’s to be a copy of ours The scheduled program’s well meant. of course. but most of the practical statesmen I’ve discussed it with in Washington’s legislative and executive circles refer to it as cuckoo. It’s agreed that the nations and dominions mentioned might com- bine on a treaty basis, but that isn’t what Federal Union, Incorpo- rated. wants. It wants to merge the whole collection into an all and ex- clusively English-speaking United States. Now, who’d be the executive head of the concem? And who and what and where would its congress or parliament or what-you-may- call-it he?_ rre*ddent or King f Would the amalgamation jointly elec’t’ a president-over-all or pick out a hereditary king? Would it choose its supreme legislative body in the same fashion ? unaer tne contempiatea merger it appears that the president of the U S. A. would have the federated status of a mere state governor and congress that of a state legís- lature only. And the king of Eng- land would lapse into the rating, of just a sub-king, with a collectíve president or some other boss exec- utive ranking him Parliament would become nothing but a local legislature. too. The British do- minions’ respective governments likewise would be deCated mate- rially A federation, as distinguished from just a treaty arrangement, certainly would have to have a cen- tral authority overhead. We surely never would consent to recognition of the English king and parlia- ment as that kind of an authority over us. And, just as surely, the English wouldn’t subordinate their king and parliament to our presi- dent and congress. I doubt that the British dominions would submit to a like subordínation, either, but it’s a cinch that neither we nor the English would, anyway. Well, then, our federation would have to have a collectively-selected chief executive and legislature and maybe courts also, And when we (the entire British- American alignment of us) came to making these selections, the British would be as much entitled to votes as ourselves. And perhaps a British executive chief and legisla- tive rriajority would win. Is it like- ly that we’d stand for that ? Or that the British would stand for it if w e won ? Free Trade? Moreover. if our English-speak- ing union’s constitution’s to be a copy of our Vankee one, we’Il have to have free trade among us and no ímmigration restrictions. And what about our Pan-Amer- ican policy? Federal Union, Incorporated, doesn’t flgure on taking the new world Latin countries into the fam- ily, for English isn’t their language and this thing, if put across, is to he an English-speaking federation. Besides. it’s to be a federation of democracies, and several of the Latin Arnericas are democratic nominally alone. In short, the whole idea’s cock- eyed, our executive and legislative critics of it say. Nevertheless, it makes consider- able noise. Charles P. Stewart Áwaiting the Stork? According to reports from Holly- wood, there will soon be a little vis- itor at the nearby ranch of Clark Gable and Carole Lombard. Both previously married, neither has ever had any children before. "Australia Reaciy” Australia will take no initiative in shattering Pacifie peace, says Aet- ing Foreign Minister A. W. Fadden, but adds that the government is prepared for any emergency. Land- ing of Australian reinforcements at Britain’s vital Chinese base at Singapore brought Japanese de- 4»4mciation as “a belligerent actioa.”


EM EM : monthly magazine

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