EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Síða 15

EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Síða 15
Em Em 15 -v-> Back From War Zone Surgeon-General Thomas farran returns to the United States aboard the Excalibur, arriving at New York from Lisbon. General Parran studied medical conditions in Eng- land, declared there is a vital need for American nurses, doctors and hospital equipment. fl Writers Aid China Relief Clare Booth and Vincent Sheean, well-known writers, confer on details of the United China Relief Dinner to be held in New York at the Wal- dorf-Astoria. Wendell Willkie, Pearl Buck, and Henry Luce, pub- lisher, are scheduled to speak. ’>>♦.,• ,,, | YOU'RE TELLING ME! -By WILLIAM RITT- Ceatral Press Writer • An •ðulttelomMne who hasstoppcd growdng up ftnd Etarted ~ _________ growing out THAT CALIFORNIA boy- who successfully swam 353 feet under water was lucky he wasn’t fired upon as a suspect- ed submarine. ; j ; German fíyers, we read, are practicing landing on roofs. Shucks, that's an old stunt— Santa Claus has been doing it ior ycars. ! ! ! As soon as peace is restored, hopes an editorial, the whole world will go bach to work. Tliat is everybody but fifth col- umnists and international spies. ! ! ! Osmium, we read, is the heav- iest known metal. Almost as heavy as the heart of a base- ball fan whose favorite team dróps out of flrst place in Sep-, tember. ! ! ! Bad news for wives who plty contract bridge: Fashion note says pointed shoes for men are coming back in style. ! ! ! Statlstics s h o w Americans consumo 177,000,000,000 cigar* cts a year. Where there’s so much smoke there ought to be pienty of tobacco tax—eh, Un* cie? ! ! ! Hitler confident of conquest— says Berlin news item. Maybe, but he’d better hold off a while before starting that sequel to “Mein Kampf.” You know— “Mein Europe.” ^


EM EM : monthly magazine

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