EM EM : monthly magazine

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EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Qupperneq 17

EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Qupperneq 17
Em Em ■17 JAP IN THE BOX! After White House Conference World of Yesterday Workmen with acetylene torches begin the task of cutting apart the metal skeletons of the trylon and perisphere, erstwhile symhols of “The Woríd of Tomorrow” at the New York World’s Fair. That speck (arrow) at the top of the trylon is a workman. Administration leaders called to the White House for a conference with the President on future legislation pertaining to the lease-lend bill are shown after their parley. Left to right are Rep. Sam Rayburn, speaker of the House, Vice President Henry Wallace and Senator Alben W. Barkley, majority leader of the senate.


EM EM : monthly magazine

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