Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Side 69

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Side 69
The Case of »Hernilds kvæði 77 compose their ballad stories each time they sing them by means of a stock of metrical phrases, commonplace stanzas and tradi- tional themes.2 However, the picture that Richmond paints of the workings of oral ballad tradition is an unconvincing one: .... there is no doubt that both today and in the past singers have memorized texts and have suffered lapses in memory, and these lapses have resulted in the creation of ballad versions and variants which for various reasons have since been perpetuated in oral tradition. But. . . .in addition ... .wherever and whenever ballads are widely sung there exists a traditional manner of singing the story to which the singer feels more attachment than he does to the exact words and phrases which he originally heard. Moreover, by reliance upon the stock words and phrases which are part of this tradition, it is possible for him to reconstruct any ballad which he has heard without necessarily echoing a single expression from the text which was communicated to him.3 According to Richmond there are two change-producing pro- cesses concurrently at work in Norwegian ballad tradition — communal re-creation and formulaic composition. Ballad vari- ants reflecting random minor changes were produced by the former, and those with more profound changes were the pro- duct of the latter. Unfortunately, this explanation raises far more questions than it seeks to answer: if there were two modes of performance, as Richmond suggests, then under what circumstances and where and when was each of these modes employed? Although Richmond’s explanation for the profound diffe- rences between variant texts of »Den utrue egtemann« seems somewhat unsatisfactory, his idea that texts such as these have much to tell us about the workings of oral tradition is none- theless a good one. Certainly, as he submits, they call into question Sharp and Gerould’s description of the ballad singer as a person who tinkers with and repairs ballad texts as best as
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