Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1981, Side 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.08.1981, Side 5
WINNIPEG, HÁTÍÐARBLAÐ 1981-5 Local history book project is a dream coming true Jon and Lillian Thorlacius examine an old school stamp, one of the antiques associated with the early education system. Twenty-six years ago the late Judge W. J. Lindal published his book The Saskatchewan Ice- landers, A Strand of the Cana- dian Fabric. Since then a number of local histories of Icelandic Cana- dian settlements have appeared, and quite a few are now in the mak- ing as can be seen from the follow- ing excerpt from the June 17 issue of the Wynyard Advance in Saskat- chewan. "A lifelong dream will come true for Wynyard teacher Lilian Thorlacius later this year with the publication of a book in local history 'Reflections By The Quills.' The book, tracing the history of people living in more than a dozen school districts south of the Quill Lakes, including the communities of Dafoe, Kandahar and Wynyard, has been two years in the making. But the idea has been with Mrs. Thorlacius for much longer than that. 'I've had the idea for a long time that a history should be written of this area, but I was always too busy furthering my education or teaching school,' says Mrs. Thorlacius, the The sign of the Crab belongs astrologically to the element Water, which is the emotional element of the universe, changeable since it seeks to adapt itself to its environ- ment, to "the shape of its container". The Crab is tenacious; its apparently hard shell hides a sen- sitive soul. Its ruler is the Moon, an ancient goddess associated with the very source of life. The Moon reflects the energy of the Sun. Its nature is rhythmic change, as shown in the tides it affects as well as in its own waxing and waning. The typical Cancerian approach to life is emotional rather than intellec- tual. This is the Nurturing and Col- lecting sign of the Zodiac. Cancerians have strong family feel- ings, and often see their friends as family, too. They show sympathetic and protective concern for others' welfare, and are prudent and economical managers of their homes and businesses. Cancerians characteristically tend to have "green thumbs" and to en- joy building collections of all sorts. Their collecting instinct shows itself in their exceptionally strong memories, which often retain fresh and accurate images of facts and people, seemingly unaffected by distance or time. They appreciate tradition and may become valued sources of forgotten folklore and in- herited culture. Cancerian love is traditionally book's editor. 'At first I was only in- terested in writing about my own school district, but after contacting a few other people the idea just ex- panded. 'I think the way it turned out was described as tender, guarding, and sensitive. This sign wants a home and loved ones of its own to cherish. Typical astrological advice to Cancer encourages this sign to make the best possible use of its natural talents. At every age, the Cancer needs to be able to freely choose someone or something to care for and nurture. Both as children and adults, Cancerians may sometimes seem to others, because of the sureness of their caring, to be less sensitive than they really are. Cancerians who know this can, when the occasion demands, guard against taking offense too easily. Others, when wishing to influence Cancerians, will find appeals to their imaginations and their ideals more effective than ridicule or frank criticism. Cancerians with more car- ing capacity than is allowed for in their jobs are often encouraged to spend their spare time in useful domestic pursuits they enjoy (cook- ing, carpentering, gardening," etc.), in befriending others, or immersing themselves in a collection of some sort. These are all activities which can bring them much satisfaction. The gift of Cancer to us all lies in the uniquely nurturing quality of Cancerian affection, and in its belief that the welfare of those whose lives we touch is worth the tender, homey care and daily effort that this requires. fortunate, if we had concentrated on a smaller area we would have only included Scottish people or Icelanders — but this book will show how people came to live together from all parts of the globe.' A network of co-ordinators from each of the former school districts has been helping Mrs. Thorlacius put the book together and a picture committee has also been formed to sort out the dozens of photographs which have been submitted. 'We've had tremendous support from the rural areas,’ she says. 'Our committee is an interesting group, we have people involved from 20 to 80 years old and we're all working together with one purpose in mind. The book certainly couldn't have been written without the help of the provincial archives either.' Besides tracing family histories, the book will detail some interesting stories from pioneering days in the Quill Lakes area. Some exarqples: — a description of the meteorite which struck Big Quill Lake in July, 1922. One farmer, haying near the lake that day, described how the whole area was covered by a fog that resulted from steam coming off the water. Another farmer, living south east Heimsmeistaraeinvíginu í skák, milli Anatoli Karpov og Victor Kor- chnois, sem fram átti að fara 19. september í Merano á Norðurltalíu, hefur verið frestað um einn mánuð. Ákvörðun um frestun tók forseti FIDE, Friðrik Ólafsson, og sagði hann í viðtali við Morgunblaðið að með þessu væri hann að leggja á- herslu á kröfuna um að kona Kor- chnois og sonur fengju að fara úr of Wynyard, lived to read his own obituary in the paper. When a farm building collapsed on him during a storm, he was thought to be dead. The news was relayed to the local newspaper. However the man did recover, although somewhat slowly. In August, 1916, a violent hailstorm devastated an area from the Touchwood Hills to the Quill Lakes. One lady, recalling the ex- perience, said her mother had calm- ed the frightened children by dashing out into the yard, scooping up a bucket of hailstones and mak- ing ice cream, thereby turning a disaster around. — In advertising characteristic of the day, the Wynyard Board of Trade predicted great things for the new community including the loca- tion of a glass factory. The salt waters of, the Quiil Lakes were also claimed to be a cure-all and the climate of the Wynyard area was portrayed as ideal. Mrs. Thorlacius wasn't surprised at the amount of material the group was able to dig up although she says she felt they were within years of losing it all forever. 'If there isn't another history book written for a number of years we felt our book would give these peo- ple a few threads to pick up on,' she said. Funds for publishing the book have been obtained from advance sales and donations from local organizations and individuals. The book could have qualified for a $400 New Horizons grant if it had come out earlier, but Mrs. Thorlacius says they didn't want to rush things and do a shoddy job. 'There should be more govern- ment support for these community history books,' she adds, 'because together these books are going to weave a total picture of the pro- vince." Even though this new local history will to some extent cover the same territory as the previously mentioned book by Judge Lindal, one must bear in mind that the quarter century which has elapsed since that book was written has not been altogether uneventful. landi í Sovétríkjunum. Hann sagði: "Ég tel það skyldu mína að sjá um, að aðstaða keppenda sé jöfn og gefa því Rússum aukinn tíma til að leysa málið." Victor Korchnoi hefur verið tilkynnt um þessa ákvörðun FIDE. Haft er eftir lögfræðingi hans að hann sé þakklátur því að sovésk yfirvöld séu þannig beitt nýjum þrýstingi til þess að sleppa fjölskyldu hans frá Sovétríkjunum. The Lögberg-Heimskringla Zodiac by Astrid Thorunn Einarson Cancer (First publication rights, June 2-July 23) Heimsmeistaraeinvígi í skák frestað



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