Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1996, Page 14

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1996, Page 14
14 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 13, desember 1996 Lögberg- Heimskríngla Reading L-H at the Quarry in Lundar, Helga Sigurdson and Dora Wonko; Verma Zahorodny is listening in the car. Lundar, MB GIMLI CHAPTER-INL offers limited edition prints from Pat Peacock’s “Sibyl’s Vision” for $25.00 each plns shipping and handling. Tel: (204) 642-4466 or 642-5274 E-mail: axelsson@evergreen.freenet.mb. ca or write to Box 1979, Gimli, MB ROCIBO, Canada PICK UP YOUR COPV SOON 80th Anniversary Betel Home Foundation Book BETEL HOME FOUNDATION 1915 - 1995 80YEARS GMLISELKERK WINNIffiG Betel Home Foundation 1915-1995 80Years Newly published edition of past history - present views and future plans. ♦ 192 Printedpages •f Quality Paperback •f ISBN 9-9680192-0-X Forcopies & informatlon. contact: BONNIE DANN Box 10, Gimli, Manitoba ROC1B0 Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM or Phone: (204) 642-9189 (204) 642-5004 Selkirk Contact: Jack & Sveinbjorg Bjornson .......................482-3574 311 Netley Avenue, Selkirk WlNNIPEG CONTACT: Ron Eyolfson...........772-7059 Apt. 306 -1061 Sargent Avenut Betelstaður INL Office: Headquarters ..........284-3402 (Monday-Friday 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.) 699 Carter Avenue Lögberg-Heimskringla Office: Contact: Sandra Ouma....284-5686 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba Lundar Personal Care Home; Patti Johnson OR Kelly Ward ........................762-5663 Lundar, Manitoba, R0C 1Y0 Glenboro Contact: Stan Oleson.............827-2133 Box 306, Glenboro, Manitoba R0K 0X0 Christmas Memories Continued from page 1 knexv so much about it. Yet, in spite oftheir common connections to Iceland, I knew they were glad to be Canadians and fostered appreciation of their new homeland. As Christmas comes I cannot contain tears of appreciation as I remember how tenderly and longingly these special pioneers sang Silent Night together in Icelandic. / remember that they stood to sing. Real candles would be flickering on our Christmas tree. They stood in their moccasins made by their Cree neigh- bours. I could see tears in their eyes. My parents welcomed these bachelors who were all like special uncles to Helga and me. As they sang, I understood that somehow the Christ child unites people, between generations, across oceans, and through ages. The essence of such a moment, captured and recalled with such clarity and eloquence, provides us with a special gift from the heart. Thank you, Ólöf, for sharing this wonderful recollection. This Christmas will be no different. Those special moments are being created somewhere every day of the season. Perhaps, by ensuring someone’s day be- comes a little more special, we too can claim a place in one of these wonderful living memories. It seems a most worthy goal! Merry Christmas all! Have a very happy and fulfilling festive season! Oh...and by the way...WHY DOESN’T the snow ever squeak in quite the same way under our boots as it did for father those many years ago? □ ffá The Ltmdar Chapter of INL Join Today!Call orwriteto: Mrs. Helga Sigurdson Box 88, Lundar, MB ROC 1Y0 (204) 762-5312 or Irene Guttormson Lundar, MB ROC 1Y0 (204) 762-5991 lceland House Bed & Breakfast Visltlng Vancouver? Need Accommodation? Short or Long Term Reasonable Rates For Reservations Contact: Irene Flnnson at Tel. (604) 294*1760 fax: (604) 294-0799 lceland House, operated by Ihe lcetandic Canadian \\ Club of B.C., is located J/ al 939 6th Street, New Westminster J 3i:rlanötc ííatinnal Sjeague ©rgant?EÍ) 1918 ilncorporateí) 1938 Qíeðikg Jóíog ffarsœCt ‘Kpmandi Ár Merry Cftristmas andJíappy ÍA(&iv year |With these words we share the spirit of this special time of year with family and friends. We have the opportunity to reflect on the blessings we enjoy. It is a time to renew friendships and express goodwill to people from near and far and to work together to promote understanding to all peoples. We wish peace, goodwill, joy and happiness to all. Laurence Johnson The lcelandic National League BerelsTadm HOUSING CO-OP The Finest in the West End íor Seniors 55 Plus! Monday: Handicrafts Tuesday: Bus to shopping at Safeway, Polo Park Wednesday: Catered Dinner Thursday: Bingo Friday: Whist and Bridge Phone 772-3948 Betelstaður 1061 Sargent at Erin, Winnipeg Meeting Rooms Party Facilities with Kitchen Hair Salon Milk, Bread, Eggc, etc. in our tiny store



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