Alþýðublaðið - 22.11.1960, Side 5
Syrpa 2.
Heimweh („Memories Are Made of This").
So geht das jede Nacht (Boogie). Der Arme
ondolier (Tango) Rosa-Rosa-Nina (ítalskur
Ronnie syngur. Jo Flée und seine Instru-
mental-Solisten. Wolf Gabbe, syngur með
Jonny’s Boogie-Band. Carlos Miranda, syng-
tir með Vineta-Tango-Orchester. Das Waldo
Favre Ensemble.
17-cmLP. kr. S5.00 Pöntunarnr. 4123
Syrpa 3.
Srnokv (Cowboylag og Foxtrott) Das ge-
wisse O-la-la (Swing-Foxtrott). Chocolata
(Mambo). Hei'nandos Hideaway (Tango úr
Das Hansa-Quartett og Jo Plée mit seinen
Instrumental-Solisten. Carlos Miranda og
. Delia . Doris, syngja með danshljómsveit
Jack Dorman.Wolf Gabbe syngur, ogTongo
'Turnier Orchester Jo Plée. .
í 7-cm-I.P. kr. 95.00 Pöntunamr. 4135
Syrpa 4.
So ist Paris (hraður Foxtrott). Oklahoma-
Tom (Cowboýlag 'og Foxtrott). Tulpen aus
Amsterdam (Vals). Harlem Street (Fox-
Delia-Doris, syngur og danshljómsveit Jack
Dormans. Das Hansa-Quartett og Jo Plée
mit seinen Instrumental-Solisten. Klaus
GUnther Neumann méð kór og danshljóm-
sveit Jo Plée. Trompetleikarinn Macky
Kasper með hljómsveit.
lí-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Föntunamr. 413“
Syrpa 5. '
Ich weiss, Was dir fehlt (Baiao) Was kann
schöner sein („Que, sera, sera“) Liebe
kommt und geht (Slowfox). Das mach ich
mit Musik (Boogie.
Delia Doris, syngur. Das Trio Sorrento. Jo
Plée og danshljómsveit. André Volant með
danshljómsveit. Tibor von Bárany með
17-cm-I.P. kr. 95.00 Pöntunamr. 4143
Syrpa 6.
A.ndrea (hægur Foxtrott). Babatschi. Ich
hab’dich so lieb. „Got you on my mind",
'Slow). Belle Annette (argentínskur
Undine von Medvey syngur. Marcony-kór-
inn. Nelson-Tríóið. Jack Dorman og hljóm-
sveit. Tiborg von Bárany og Zígaunahljóm-
svei. André Volant og Tango-hljómsveit
17-cm-I.P. lcr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4144
Syrpa 7.
Bel Sante (Foxtrott). Mannequin aus Paris
(Calypso). Cindy, oh Cindy. Tutti Frutti
Ronny, syngur. Jo Plée og hljómsveit.
Carlos Miranda syngur. Das Gitarren-
Orchester „Vinetia". Undine von Medvey
syngur. Danshljómsveit André Volant. Nel-
son-Tríóið. Ted’s Rock-,n-Roll Band.
17-om-I.P. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4147
Syrpa 8.
„Green Door", (Foxtrott). Schreib es mir
tausendamal (hægur Vals). Adieu, du mein
schönes Samoa (Hawiian Vals). Mauer-
bliimchen (Rock’n-Roll Parodie).
Das Hansa-Quartett, Jack Dorman og hljóm-
sveit. Udo Paulsen syngur. Tibor von Bá-
rany með Zígaunahljómsveit. Die Scala
Hawiians. Hannelore Brix syngur. Jo Plée
og Rock’n-Roll Band.
17-em-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4148
Syrpa 9.
„Singing the Blucs" (Foxtrott). Verlieb
dich in Lissabon (Mambo). „True Love" —
„High Society" (hægur Vals).
Undine von Medvey, Carlo Miranda og Ralf
Paulsen syngja. Marcony-kórinn ásamt
Plée-Rhythmikers. Danshljómsveit Jack
Dorman. Tibor von Bárany með Zígauna-
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4158
Syrpa 10.
Tipitpitipso (Calypso). Ich wá’so gern bei
dir („Shuffle-Boat", Medium-Slow). Heim-
atlos (Foxtrott). High Society, Calypso.
Delia Doris og Ronny syngja. Das Hansa-
Quartett, Buddy Jones og hljómsveit. Die
17-cnv-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4159
Syrpa 11.
„Marianne" (Calypso). Kleines Mádel aus
Cremona (hægur Vals). „Round and
Round", (Foxtrott). Susi Rock (Rock’n
Ralf Paulsen og Wolf Gabbe sjmgja.
Hljómsveit Buddy Jones og kór. Tiborg von
Bárany með Zígaunafiðlum og kór. Jo Plée
með Rock’n Roll hljómsveit.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4168
Louis Armstrong og Ella Fitzgerald koma fram í
Porgy and Bes?.
Syrpa 12.
Vergiss mich nie Karolin (Slowfox). Ein
bisschen mehr (Moderato Shuffle). Der
kleine Amor tráumt ÍMelodie-Foxtrott).
Scala-Hawiians og söngvarar. Danshljóm-
sveit Jack Dormans og kór. Hansa-Quartett.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Föntunamr. 4170
Sympa 13.
Das tu ich alles aus Liebe (hraður Fox-
trott). Mi casa, su casa, (haegur Váls. Ein
echter Italiano (Songo americano, Boogie-
Tarantella). Die kleine Bimmelbahn, (Jóðl-
Marianne Monda og Sorrento með hljóm-
sveit. Ralf Paulsen og Scala-Hawiians. Carl-
os Miranda og hljómsveit. Jack Dorman.
Jóðl-dúfan „Enzian” frá Munchen.
17-em-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntimamr. 4175
Syrpa 14.
Siebenmal in der Woche (Foxtrott). Sol-
ng’die Sterne Gluh’m (Calypso). Dich ward’
ich nie vergessen (Vals). Köhler Liesel
Wolf Gabbe með hljómsveit. Jack Dorman.
Hansa-Quartett og rythmasveit Jo Plées.
Hljómsveit Jo Plée og kór. Die Harzer
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4176
Andrés Ramiro leikur:
Cha-Cha-Cha. Ave Maria no morro. Eso er
el amor. I Want to be Happy. Tea for two.
Andrés Ramiro og hljómsveit. Granada-
tríóið syngur.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunamr. 4262
Andrés Ramiro leikur lög Cole Porters:
From this Moment on. Anything goes. Too
Darn Hot. Rosalie. Begin the Beguine.
Night and Day. l’ve got you under my Skin.
Don’t fence me in. Love for Sale. I love
Paris. Easy to Love. Just one of those
Things. In the Still of the Night. You do
something to me. What is the thing called
Love. I get a Kick out of you.
Andrés R.amiro með stórri danshljómsveit.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4238
Andrés Ramiro lcikur lög Irving Berlin:
I’ve got my Love to keep me Warm. The
Girl that I marry. Cheek to Cheek. White
Christmas. How deep is the Ocean. They
say it’s Wonderful. The Song is ended.
Easter Parade. Top Hat. The Piccolino.
Always. I’ve got the Sun in the Morning
and the Moon at night. Say it with Music.
Andrés Ramiro með stórri danshljómst’eit.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntimamr. 4247
Andrés Ramiro leikur lög Irving Berlin
(2. hluti).
Blue Skies. Heat Wave. Doin’ what comes
natur’lly. Alexander Ragtime Band. Happy
Holiday. Play a Simple Melodv. Puttin’ on
the Ritz. Marie. You’re just in Love. Say
it isn’t so. Be Careful, it’s my Heart. A
pretty Girl is like a Melody. Let’s face the
Music and Dance. There’s no Business like
Show Busincss.
Andrés Ramiro með stórri danshljómsveit.
17-cm-LP. 95.00 Pöntunamr. 4249
Lög úr kvikmyndum.
Charmain. Around the World (hægur Vals
úr myndinni Umhverfis jörðina á 80 dög-
um). Grasshopper-Jump. Pariser Parfum
(Vals musette).
Tibor von Bárany og Zlgaunafiðlur hans.
Solo Trompet: Otto Fröhlich. Andrés.Ram-
iro og hljómsveit. Musette-Orchester Pierre ,
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunamr. 4,209
Parísarlög. Valsasyrpa:
„La Ronde" ,,CandleHght-Waltz”, Wenn
Mademoiselle dich kiisst. Foxtrot-syrpa:
April in Portugal. Touchez pas au Grisbi.
Count Every Star. Moulin Rouge. Pariser
Parfum (Valse musette).
Musette-Orchéster Pierre Blanchard.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunamr. 4161
Sail along Silvery .Moon.
The River Kwai March. Sail Along Silvery
Moon. Sonne iiber Bali (Hawiian Vals).
Fascination (hægur Vals).
Orchester Red Harison. Louis Lorenzo og
danshljómsveit. Die Scala-Hawaiian. Tibor
von Bárany og Zígaunafiðlur hans.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4208
Lög frá ýmsum löndum, American Swing.
Hawian War Chant. Tiger Rag. One o’clock
Jump. King Pörter Stomp.
Tommy Lakes og hljómsveit.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4404
Arriverci Roma. Kleines Haus am Missis-
sippi (Hawiian Vals). Schau nur zu den
Sternen (Slowfox). Santo Domingo (Hawai-
ian fox),
Carlos Miranda með kór og Mandólin-
hljómsveit. Die Scala-Hawaiians. Das Trio
17-cm-I.P. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4105
Baio bongo.
Blende auf (Foxtrott). Bitte einen Cha-
Cha. Columbus-Boogie. Baio Bongo.
Símon Krapp og.Gerd Lindig.og hljómsveit .
. þcirra. Waldo-í'avre-kórinn, Die 4 Finker.
Das Trio Sorrento.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pö 4111
Come Back, Li/.a,
Ugly Woman (Calypso). Gin and Coconut
Water, i.Calypso),- Hold him Joe, (Calypso).
Tico Rondo og hljómsveit.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunamr. 4402
Happy go Lucky.
String of Pearls, (Foxtrott. Melancholie,
(Slowfox). The Nearness of You, (Foxtrott)
E1 Relicario, (Paso doble). Souvenir d’
Italie, fSlowfox). Undecided, iFoxtrott).
.Uno, (Tango). Foxtrott-syrpa: Make Be-
lieve. I love You. Roses of Picardie.
The Continentals-hljómsveitin.
25-cm-LP. kr. 195.00 Pöntunarnr. 3400
Mario Tuala og hljómsveit:
La Malaguena (rumba lenta). My Little
One, (enskur vals). Ich liebe Susann.
La Donna Riccia, (Baiao).
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4224
Mitternachls-Blues. Tequila, (Mambo).
Y'ah-dah, (Dixieland). Who’s sorry now,
The Bcrtlanders Starband. Solo-Trompet:
Charley Wiesenthal.
17-em-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4204
X’ Beetja. 1
’n Beetja, (shuffle). Ied’re dag met jo_j,
. (Medlum-Fox). Ja of nee, (Cha-cha-cha).
Who knows why, <Medium-Fox).
. Sonja Oosterman og Cees Vanos syngja.
The Festival five undir stjórn Dick Schail-
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4244i
Patricia, (swing eha-cha-cha). Ganz leis»
schlágt die Uhr, (Moderate-Fox). Pétit»
rieur, (blues). Why wait (Mambo).
Das prchester Harald Banter.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4221
Leichte Schlagseite (Foxtrott). Grisette,
(Vals. Chanson d’amour, (Foxtrott). Pc-p-
pino, (Foxtrott);
’Albért Vossen, harmonika og hljómsveit.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 421!>-
Spánskur rythmi.
•Sþanischer Zigeuncrrtanz, (paso doble).
Bémbele (Guaracha). Brasil, (Brasil-Sam-
ba). Rumba at the Waldorf.
Miquel d'Alfonso unl sein spanisches Tam>
. orhester.
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 416»
Frá París til Brodway.
Paris, du bist die sehönster Stadt der Welt,
(Fo.xtrott). Es wird immer wieder Tag,
(Melodie-Foxtrott). Anna-Boogie. Broda-
\yáj;-rythmus, (Foxtrott).
Marcella Vidaro syngur. Jack Dorman os
hljómsveit. Afold Wreger og strokhljótn-
svéit hans. Fernando Alemán mit seinérí*
spanisclien Tanzorchester.
17-Cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4184*
Á eftirfarandi plötum leika sömu hljór.i-
sveitir og söngvarar sem á fyrrgreindurrfc
plötum, nema ar.nars sé getið.
Ósk..íög nr. 1.
Abcr du Heisst Pia, i Canzone-Fox). Eihma*
die Fernc seli'n, tVals). Ich Möcht’mit ci.i*
tráumen, (Sweet-Duett). Sugar Baby (Fox-
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pönunamr. 423*9-
Óskalög nr. 2.
Reitermarsch. Tom Dooley, (Foxtrott). Det*
Hula-Hula-Hop-Song, 'Calypso). Nick-NacR
17-cmLP. L r. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4 249
Óskalög nr. 3.
The Purple People Eater, (Rock). Endlesa
Sleep, (hægur Foxtrott). Blue Hawaii,
(Hawaiian-Foxrott). Die Gitarre und daa
Meer, (Beguine).
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 424 'i-
Óskalög nr. 4.
Mandolinen und Mondschein, (Calypso).
Tschau Tschau Bambina („Piove", Moder-
ato-Rock). Li per Li, iCalypso). Heut’tanz*
ieh nur mit dir, (Rock).
Alexander Gordan, die Moonlights und
Plées Rhythmiker. Mario Tuala und das»
Tanzorchester Louis Loranzo.
17-cni-Lp. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 424't-
Óskalög nr. 5.
Das hab’ich in Paris gelernt, (Foxlrott).
Nur du, du, du allein, (Slow-Rock). D *
könnest meine grosse Liebe sein, (Calypso)..
Du passt so gut zu mir, (Rock-Fox).
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 47'—t
Óskalög nr. 6.
Am Tag, als der Regen kann, (Slow-Rock).
Havanna-Love, (Slow-Roc-k). My Happiness,
(SlowRock). Das ist prima. Oh, my Goocn -
ess. (Foxtrott).
17-cm-LP. fcr. 95.00 1‘öiituiiariir. 4'7£ á
Óskalög nr. 7.
Kitty-Cat, <Rock-3oogie). Susie Darlin’,
(Beguine). Venus, iBeguine). Charley
Brown, (Rock).
17-cnt-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 426A
Óskalög nr. 8.
Eine Handvoll Heimaterde, (Slow-Fox).
Aloha Oe, (Hawaiian). Zwei rote Rosen,
ein zarter Kuss, (Foxtrott. Wenn der weiss<>
Flieder wieder bliilit, (Slowfox).
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pöntunarnr. 4'2i»’/
Óskalög nr. 9.
Sie sagt „Nein", 'Medium-swing). Chio*
Chico-Charley. Ach wáre ich doch ein tor -
ero (spánskur mars). Mr. Music, (Skiffj'—
17-cm-LP. kr. 95.00 Pönfunarnr. 4'26fJ
FramhaltE á 13. síðu.
— 22. nóv. 1960 g.