Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 26.01.1991, Page 27
Gott betra best
- hvað segja útlendir gagnrýnendur um popp-árið 1990
Síðustu vikur liefur skolað á land
áramótauppgjörum erlendra tón-
listarita og er jafnan fróölegt að sjá
hverjum „spekingamir" hampa á
í flestum tilfellum eru það nýliðar
í bransanum sem hljóta mesta lofið
en eldri spámenn þurfa að gera
þeim mun betur til að hljóta náð
fyrir augrnn og eyrum dyntóttra
Hér fara uppgjör fjögurra blaða.
Annars vegar vikuritanna Melody
Maker og New Musical Express og
hins vegar tímaritanna The Face
Þrjú fyrstnefndu blöðin raða plöt-
unum í sæti eftir gæðum en Q fer
aðra leið. Blaðamenn þar á bæ
treysta sér ekki til að númera list-
ina heldur útnefna 50 bestu plötur
ársins 1990. Þetta setti undiritaðan
í bobba, enda óðs manns æði að
fara að telja þær plötur allar upp.
Varð að ráði að velja þau tuttugu
nöfn sem líklegast væri að landinn
þekkti og hvers verk væru fáanleg
á íslandi.
Melody Maker -
1. Happy Mondays - Pills and
thrills and Bellyaches
2. Dee-Lite - World Clique
3. Lou Reed og John Cale - Songs
for Drella
4. Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las
5. Neil Young and Crazy Horse -
Ragged Glory
6. The Charlants - Some Friendly
7. Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brightly
8. Jane’s Addiction - Ritual De Lo
9. Julee Cruise - Floating into the
10. Pet Shop Boys - Behaviour
11. Pixies - Bossanova
12. Puphc Enemy - Fear of Black
13. The LA’s - The LA’s
v 14. Sinead O’Connor - I Do Not
Want What I Haven’t Got
15. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds -
The Good Son
16. The Heart Throbs - Cleopatra
17. The Replacements - AU Shook
18. The Sundays - Reading, Writing
and Arithmetic
19. Bass-O-Matic - The Controls for
the Heart of the Bass
20. Ride - Nowhere
1. Deee-Lite - Groove is in-the Heart
2. Sinead O’Connor - Nothing
Compares 2U
3. Happy Mondays - Kinky Afro
4. The KLF - What Time is Love
5. My Bloody Valentine - GUder
6. The Charlants - The Only One I
7. Ride - FaU
8. Madonna - Justify My Love
9. Adamski - KiUer
10. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds -
The Ship Song
NewMusical Express
1. Happy Mondays - PiUs And
Thrills And Bellyaches
2. Sinead O’Connor - I Do Not
Want What I Haven’t Got
3. PubUc Enemy - Fear Of A Black
Snorri Már Skúlason
12. Sonic Youth - Goo
13. Ride - Nowhere
14. World Party - Goodbye Jumbo
15. The FaU - Extricate
16. Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds
- The Good Son
17. The LA’s - The LA’s
18. Pixies - Bossanova
19. Sundays - Reading, Writing
Happy Mondays.
And Arithmetic
20. Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brigh-
Express - Smáskífur
1. Deee-Lite - Groove is in the He-
2. Happy Mondays - Step On
3. Sinead O’Connor - Nothing
Compares 2U
4. Betty Boo - Where are you Baby?
5. Primal Scream - Loaded
6. Pet Shop Boys - Being Boring
7. Dream Warriors - My Definiato-
in of a Boombastic Jazz Style
8. James - Come Home
9. New Order - World in Motion
10. The Lemonheads - Different
(eftir stafrófsröð)
Aztec Camera - Stray
The Beloved - Happiness
Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las
Lloyd Cole - Lloyd Cole
Deee-Lite - World Clique
Depeche Mode - Violator
Happy Mondays - PUls and thriUs
and BeUyaches
Living Color - Time’s Up
Madonna - The Immaculate Collec-
Van Morrison - Enlightenment
Sinead O’Connor - I Do Not Want
What I Havent Got
Pet Shop Boys - Behaviour
Pixies - Bossanova
Prefab Sprout - Jordan: The
Prince - Grafiiti Bridge
Lou Reed og John Cale - Songs for
The Soup Dragons - Lovegod
Martin Stephenson and the Dainte-
es - Salutation Road
They Might Be Giants - Flood
1. Dee-Lite - World Clique
2. Julee Cruise - Floating Into The
3. A Tribe Called Quest - Peoples
Instinctive Travels In The Paths
Of Rhythm
4. Jungle Brothers - Done By The
Force Of Nature
5. Beloved - Happiness
6. Soul II Soul - Vol 2 A New Decade
7. Pet Shop Boys - Behaviour
8. Monie Love - Down To Earth
9. Happy Mondays - PiUs ’N’ Thrills
And BeUyaches
10. Blaze - 25 Years Later
11. Angelo Badalamenti - Music
From Twin Peaks
12. Sinéad O’Connor - I Do Not
Want What I Haven’t Got
13. PubUc Enemy - Fear Of A Black
14. The Shamen - En-Tact
15. LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock
You Out
16. Ten City - State Of Mind
17. The Charlatans - Some Friendly
18. Stereo MCS - Supernatural
19. Robert Owens - Rhythm's In Me
20. The Sundays - Reading, Writing
And Arithmetic
Sinead 0‘Connor.
Pet shop boy.
4. NeU Young And Crazy Horse -
Ragged Glory
5. James - Gold Mother
6. Pet Shop Boys - Behaviour
7. A Tribe Called Quest - People’s
Instinctive Travels And The Paths
Of Rhythm
8. Julee Cruise - Floating
9. Lou Reed og John Cale - Songs
For Drella
10. Deee-Lite - World Clique
11. Angelo Badalamenti/Julee Cru-
ise - TónUstin úr Twin Peaks
Nick Cave.
The Charlatans.