Frjáls verslun

Frjáls verslun - 01.07.1987, Page 101

Frjáls verslun - 01.07.1987, Page 101
ICELAND ---1986-- Á vegum Seðlabanka íslands er komin út ný lceland-bók með alhliða lýsingu á landi og þjóð í nútíð og fortíð. Bókin er á ensku og því einkum ætluð erlendum lesendum, en gæti einnig hentað mörgum íslendingum. Efni bókarinnar skiptist í eftirtalda kafla: COUNTRY AND POPULATION Geology and physical geography Life m the lceland seas Salmon, trout and char Animal life on land Flora and vegetation Population HISTORY AND CULTURAL HERITAGE An outline history The lcelandic language Literary heritage The manuscripts Building through the centuries GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Constitution and government Local government Political parties FOREIGN RELATIONS Foreign affairs lceland's economic zone and continental shelf INDUSTRIES AND ENERGY Structure of industry Agriculture Fisheries Manufacturing industries Power-intensive industries Hydro power Thermal power Development of trade Communications and tourism ECONOMIC POLICY AND FINANCE Economic policy Economic growth and standard of living Public finance Financial institutions FOREIGN TRADE AND PAYMENTS Foreign trade Balance of payments Foreign exchange Trade policy ''WM* SEÐLABANKI ÍSLANDS SOCIAL CONDITIONS Labour market Social security Health services Housing RELIGION AND EDUCATION The church Education University education SCIENCE AND THE ARTS Modern Ifterature A panorama of lcelandic art Music Theatre Birth of an lcelandic film mdustry Libraries and archives, museums and art galleries Research and development RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Publishing, press and broadcasting Leisure in lceland Upphengjur. 100 kg vatnsvarin steinull fra Steinullar- verksmiðjunni a Sauðarkroki. Grunnspartl. SERPOROCK UTANHÚSSKLÆÐNING + EINANGRUN SERPOROCK utanhússeinangrun er múrkerfi, sem byggist á einangrun með 2,5“ steinull frá Steinullarverksmiðjunni á Sauðárkróki og múrklæðningu frá SERPOROCK í Svíþjóð. Petta er eitt viðurkenndasta kerfið á þessu sviði á markaðnum í dag í Evrópu. Veitum 5 ára ábyrgð á efni og uppsetningu. UPPLÝSINGAR VEITIR: Bæjarprýöi BORGARTÚNI 31 - 105 REYKJAVÍK S símar: 22727 og 623998
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